The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Government Communication
الإصدار الثاني والثلاثون من المجلة العلمية لنشر البحوث
تم نشر الإصدار الثاني والثلاثون من المجلة العمية لنشر البحوث في: 1-10 -2024م. يحتوي الإصدار على بعض الأبحاث في مختلف التخصصات، كما أن الإصدار قد تناول العديد من المشاكل البحثية المهمه التي تشكل أهمية وفائدة كبيرة للمجتمع العلمي والمعرفي. جميع الأبحاث متاحة للتحميل والتعقيب والاستشهاد المرجعي لكافة الباحثين والأكاديميين.
الأبحاث والأوراق العلمية:
Name: Fatmah arif obaid alsaqal Al Ali
Master of Arts in communication
The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Government Communication
Background: This study investigates the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in government communication within the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It explores the current practices, challenges, opportunities, and future potential of AI in this sector, highlighting the experiences of communication practitioners.Aim: The main objective of this research is to understand how AI is utilized in government communication in the UAE, assess the perceptions of professionals in the field, and identify the determining factors influencing AI adoption.Method: Employing qualitative research methods, the study involved interviews with key public sector employees. This approach provided valuable insights into the dynamics and practices surrounding AI integration in governmental communication.Results: The findings reveal that AI is prevalent in areas such as social media monitoring, citizen engagement, and data analysis. While communication experts generally view the incorporation of AI positively, concerns regarding reliability, ethical issues, and data protection persist. Participants expressed the need for ongoing training and collaboration among various governmental bodies to enhance AI engagement with citizens.Conclusion: The research underscores the importance of ethical considerations and the cultivation of a culture that promotes responsible AI usage in government communication. It advances theoretical knowledge through frameworks like the Reasoned Action Theory and the Technology Acceptance Model, suggesting that ethical factors should be integral to AI adoption. Future research should explore a comparative approach, focusing on emergent AI technologies and ethical implications.