الإصدار الخامس عشر
الإصدار الخامس عشر من المجلة العلمية لنشر البحوث
تم نشر الإصدار الخامس عشر من المجلة العمية لنشر البحوث في: 1-4-2023م. يحتوي الإصدار على بعض الأبحاث في مختلف التخصصات، كما أن الإصدار قد تناول العديد من المشاكل البحثية المهمه التي تشكل أهمية وفائدة كبيرة للمجتمع العلمي والمعرفي. جميع الأبحاث متاحة للتحميل والتعقيب والاستشهاد المرجعي لكافة الباحثين والأكاديميين.
الأبحاث والأوراق العلمية:
Strategies and Sources of Soft Power in Saudi Arabia
Name: Fahad Hamad E Alotaibi
Email: fffhhheee@gmail.com
when asked what makes Saudi Arabia so powerful, wouldn’t think of the country’s abundance of oil and gas? Saudi Arabia’s clout extends far beyond the country’s oil assets. Rather than its oil revenues, Saudi Arabia has historically relied on its cultural power as the capital of the Muslim and Arab nations to maintain its domestic, regional, and global influence. Saudi Arabia’s soft power has been more influential than its crude exports. Because of this fortitude, Saudi Arabia was able to weather the storm of the Arab Spring. The Saudi Kingdom’s soft power is largely responsible for its widespread sway in the Middle East and beyond. This paper examines the sources of Saudi Arabia’s soft power, identifies its main components, and assesses their relative importance.
Keywords: soft power, strategies, Cultural diplomacy, sources of soft power, Cultural exchange and national identity.
Name: Fahad Hamad E Alotaibi
Email: fffhhheee@gmail.com
In the twenty-first century, nations have more opportunities than ever to influence regional and global dynamics. Economic prosperity, ideological persuasion, and cultural allure are now more essential than military strength and nuclear weapons in many situations. Recently, physical power has emerged as one of the most important instruments of foreign policy. It’s common knowledge that “hard power” refers to a policy of coercion based on the use and/or threat of armed force against a specific nation. However, in today’s increasingly interconnected and interdependent world, old-fashioned political tools like nuclear weapons are no longer effective because they could cause the complete economic collapse of the country that launched the attack (with the exception of so-called “rogue states”).
The Evaluation and Management of Patients Suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Name: Alia Adwan
Email: Heavenau@hotmail.com
Name:Hoda abdallah
Email: h.abdallah@gmail.com
Anovulation, androgen excess (often ovarian, but also adrenal in origin), and the appearance of polycystic ovaries on ultrasound all describe polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the most common endocrinopathy among adult women in the developed world. Expert-based diagnostic criteria are contested because they fail to take into account the known metabolic abnormalities associated to aberrant insulin action that affect many women with the syndrome. These abnormalities include glucose intolerance, diabetes, and dyslipidemia. The most bothersome symptoms for patients include hirsutism, obesity, infertility, and menstruation abnormalities. Epidemiological research have not shed light on the syndrome’s potential long-term effects, such as an elevated risk for cardiovascular events based on risk factor profile. Genetic investigations support the idea that the condition is caused by a complicated genetic disorder, suggesting that its aetiology is multifactorial. Gonadotropin and gonadotropin receptor genes, interestingly, are the ones identified as candidates in many genome-wide association studies that best match into current hypotheses about the pathophysiology. Symptoms are usually treated, and the search for a panacea that corrects reproductive and metabolic problems continues. Hormonal contraception, progestins, and metformin are frequently used for the long-term management of PCOS. Ovulation induction therapies, which may include medications like letrozole or clomiphene or gonadotropin therapy, are at the centre of infertility treatment. Hormonal contraceptives and anti-androgens are frequently used together in the treatment of hirsutism. Obese women with PCOS may benefit from weight loss for infertility therapy and long-term management.
COVID-19 during Pregnancy, Complication and Possible Vertical Transmission
Name: Alia Adwan
Email: Heavenau@hotmail.com
Name: Mohamed lashen
Email: mohamedlashen@yahoo.com
The World Health Organization classified the 2019 epidemic of novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) as a “pandemic.” The outbreak is putting unprotected populations all around the world in danger of a health emergency.A case report with a young woman who was discovered to have COVID-19 and PROM during the third trimester of her pregnancy was presented.
Case presentation
A woman in her twenties (19) who had been experiencing a minor fever for four days arrived at the clinic. She was bleeding badly from the vagina and her membranes had burst prematurely. COVID-19 was thought to exist.
The PROM assay yielded a positive result. The primary method would be an urgent C-section birth within the next twenty-four hours. Following delivery, the newborn isolation protocol was implemented without any delay in skin-to-skin contact or cord clamping. The neonatal nasopharyngeal swab, which was collected immediately after delivery, contained coronavirus (COVID-19).
A severe case of neonatal and maternal COVID-19 during the third trimester of pregnancy caused an early membrane rupture that led to vaginal bleeding and an early delivery. A multidisciplinary team’s engagement in the treatment of patients with severe COVID-19 throughout pregnancy is very beneficial.
دور اللوجستية الطبية لوزارة الصحة بمنطقة مكة المكرمة في التعامل مع جائحة كورونا
الاسم: الاء كامل قاروت
الاسم: سمية عيسى الوالد
الاسم: راكان عدنان ساعد
الاسم: احمد عبدالعزيز مطر
على الرغم من أن انتشار الأمراض والأوبئة أمر كان قد عانى العالم منه منذ القدم، إلا أن ظهور فيروس كورونا (Covid-19) كان له بالغ الأثر على العالم. بل غيرت جائحة كورونا حياة العالم بأكمله، وأثرت على الكثير من القطاعات بشكل عام، وعلى القطاع الصحي بشكل خاص. وهو الأمر الذي دعا جميع دول العالم التي انتشر فيها هذا الوباء إلى البحث عن حلول تخفف من آثار هذه الجائحة. وقد كان القطاع الصحي خط الدفاع الأول في سبيل مواجهة هذه الجائحة، ولا يشمل القطاع الصحي الاهتمام بالمرضى فحسب، بل يشمل أيضاً توفير المستلزمات الطبية الضرورية لمواجهة هذه الجائحة، وهنا يأتي دور اللوجستيات الطبية المسؤولة عن هذه العملية. ويترتب على انتشار جائحة كورونا العديد من الآثار والتغيرات في اللوجستيات الطبية والسياسات المتبعة في حالات الطوارئ. وتأتي هذه المقدمة كإطار لمكونات هذا الجزء من الدراسة، والذي يتضمن أربعة فصول. يتناول الفصل الأول مشكلة هذه الدراسة وأهميتها وأهدافها، ويليه الفصل الثاني، والذي يتناول موضوع اللوجستيات الطبية، ثم يأتي الفصل الثالث، والذي يتناول جائحة كورونا، في حين ينتهي هذا الجزء بالفصل الرابع، والذي يتناول الدراسات السابقة التي تجمع متغيري الدراسة.
The Impact of Flexible Work on the Productivity at Telecommunications Sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Name: Badr AL-Ahmadi
Name: Ahmed Alghamdi
Name: Moayed Bedaiwi
This research aims to study the relation between flexible working arrangement and productivity in the telecommunication sector in madina region in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and disclose the impact of such arrangement on the productivity of the employer productivity. Knowing that FWA become more on demand in the market, especially after covid-19 period were both employees and employers had to experience such arrangement.In addition to the literature review, a survey for a reasonable number of employees working in the same sector in madina region to examine the relation were SPSS statistical tool used.
The survey has revealed that there was a significant impact of the flexible work (time flexible, task share, part time work, and remote work) on the productivity. The survey also shows that flexible working arrangement does increase the employer productivity significantly.
Keywords: Flexible working arrangement, flexible working hours, support personnel, management support and the type of work or employment, part time, task sharing, job satisfaction, productivity
Name: Ahmad aqil Mohammed amin albastaki
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
Email: Hp200059@siswa.uthm.edu.my
This article reviews, evaluates and reflects relevant literature on big data analytics in law enforcement. In order to bring together the various discussions around big data, this paper begins with defining what is meant by “big data” and identifying the primary difficulties associated with it. The utilization of big data analytics to derive meaningful and valuable insights from vast amounts of data has been the primary focus of this research to improve the efficiency of crisis management in the field of policing. Big data analytics was underlined, which mostly deals with extensive structured and unstructured data that is necessary to improve police risk management and security crisis management. This is because big data analytics largely deals with extensive structured and unstructured data. In a nutshell, the discussion of this paper demonstrates that established police agencies that focus on innovation have looked into text, audio, video, and social media data analytics to improve policing during times of crisis and to improve predictive analytics of future crimes. According to the findings of this study, new statistical methods that can handle large amounts of data are required to bridge the gap between large data sets and smaller data collections. The vast majority of the statistical methods currently in use were designed for more manageable data sets that are made up of samples. In brief, there have not been any breakthroughs in the analytical methods used for big data yet. Real-time analytics will definitely develop into a prominent field of research in the years to come as a direct result of the proliferation of location-aware social media and mobile applications. Because big data is so massive, linked, and unreliable, statistical techniques that are more effectively adapted to mining big data while remaining sensitive to distinctive characteristics are anticipated to develop shortly. The large amounts of data that are considered to be less trustworthy could lead to further major findings.
Keywords: crisis management, big data, risk management, analytics, theory.
The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on the Overall Performance of the organisation
Name: Farah Hamid AlRoshoud
Email: fh.alroshood@paaet.edu.kw
Supply chain management (SCM) is a common practice in manufacturing companies. Effective supply chain management (SCM) has become a potentially significant technique of protecting competitive advantage and increasing organizational performance as a result of the shift from rivalry between companies to competition among supply chains. This article establishes the conceptual framework for SCM practice along five dimensions: strategic supplier partnership, customer connection, level of information sharing, quality of information sharing, and delay. The more advanced your SCM practices are, the more of an edge over the competition you’ll have and the more efficient your business will be. In addition, having a leg up on the competition might have a positive impact on a company’s bottom line.
الإسم : سارة سعد غازي العتيبي – اخصائيه تمريض
الإسم : فايزة ريفان علي اليامي – فنية مختبرات
الإسم : الهنوف سعد غازي العتيبي – فنية تمريض
الإسم : فيحاء مقعد عيد – اخصائيه تمريض
الإسم : نوال ناصر البيشي –فنية مختبرات
الإسم : ساره صالح الدوسري- فنية تمريض
الإسم : ملحه طراد العتيبي – اخصائية تمريض
Knowledge practice and outcome of quality nursing care
Nursing is a career that involves delivering comprehensive and high-quality care at all stages of service delivery. Nurses have the primary problem of ensuring the delivery of high-quality nursing care to every patient. Nursing intervention is to provide high-quality care to ensure that each patient receives the appropriate degree of care. Cronenwett et al. (2007) assert that nurses have a crucial role in shaping the practice environment as the primary architects of patient care. Health practitioners look for companies that value quality and acknowledge good work.
Providing high-quality nursing care is difficult due to constraints like as limited financial resources, insufficient nursing staff, and a rapidly expanding population, together with rising hospital admissions, particularly in Calabar’s teaching hospital. Insufficient medicine supply, ineffective leadership and supervision of nurses, lack of necessary equipment and materials, and unhygienic atmosphere contribute to poor quality nursing care. The importance of great nursing care knowledge and practice is paramount. Patients of health services have the right to expect high-quality nursing care and knowledge from nurses. The Institute of Medicine defined quality as the extent to which health services improve the probability of achieving targeted health outcomes for people and populations while aligning with current professional knowledge (Lohr & Schroeder, 1990).
Name : Tahani Mohammadali Bakhsh
Name : Zahra Ali Alhussain
Name : Hoda Jehad Abousada
Name : Yahya Ali Alzahrani
Name : Hanan Abdullah Alrashidi
Name : Abdulelah Abdullah Alruways
Name : Danah Abdulkhaliq Aljuhani
Name : Thikra Hamzah albohaydel
Name : Hanin Mohammed Alsharabi
Name : Harbiyyah Mashan Alharbi
Name : Alhanouf Hamdan Alanazi
Name : Mathal Abdulrahman Alanazi
Name : Fawzia Mutlaq Alenazi
Name : Wafa Maraeed ALAnazi
Name : Manal Musfer Alharbi
Prevalence of Chronic Medical Conditions among Healthcare Workers in KSA: A Systematic Review
Abstract :
Background : Chronic illnesses are often associated with non-communicable diseases, which are defined by their non-infectious causes. Chronic illnesses , sometimes known as silent pandemics , account for the vast majority of fatalities and disabilities worldwide .
Aim : This systematic review aims to explore the prevalence of chronic medical conditions among healthcare workers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) .
Methods : Adhering to PRISMA guidelines , electronic searches were conducted in databases like PubMed , Embase , Scopus , and Web of Science using MeSH terms and relevant keywords . Studies reporting chronic medical conditions prevalence among KSA healthcare workers of any design were included , while reviews , editorials , and commentaries were excluded . Two reviewers independently screened studies for eligibility, with disagreements resolved through discussion . Data extraction captured study characteristics , participant demographics , and prevalence data. Descriptive statistics summarized the data , and meta-analysis was considered for pooled prevalence rates , supplemented by a narrative synthesis .
Results : From an initial 346 studies, 21 full-text articles were reviewed , with three studies meeting inclusion criteria. Most studies focused on chronic medical conditions prevalence in the general population. Among eligible studies , one examined obesity and comorbidity among healthcare workers , finding varying prevalence rates based on weight categories . Another study reported chronic conditions , including heartburn , irritable bowel syndrome , anemia, fatigue , and hypertension among healthcare administrators . In a cross-sectional study , primary healthcare clinic participants exhibited notable rates of hyperlipidemia, hypertension , asthma , and diabetes , alongside high levels of perceived stress . The pooled prevalence of chronic conditions among healthcare professionals was analyzed , highlighting the significant burden .
Conclusion : This review underscores the scarcity of research on chronic medical conditions among KSA healthcare workers . Findings reveal substantial prevalence rates , emphasizing the need for tailored interventions and wellness promotion programs to mitigate the impact of these conditions on healthcare professionals’ well-being. Further research is warranted to comprehensively understand and address this issue .
Keywords : healthcare professionals – chronic medical conditions – wellness promotion programs – heartburn – irritable bowel syndrome – anemia – fatigue – hypertension
Name : Abdulhakim Farooq Sindi
Email : A-sindi@hotmail.com
Name : Mohammed Rizq Alharbi
Email : Asdfg457@hotmail.com
Name : Khaled Soliman Alahmadi
Email : Kj2_of_k2@hotmail.com
Name : Fahad Hamad Ayed Alsahli
Email : fhd12f@hotmail.com
Name : Naif Faiz H.Naitah
Email : Naif.5.naitah@hotmail.com
Role of Technology in Enhancing Knowledge, attitude, practice, and clinical recommendation toward infection control and prevention standards in Dental Practices
Abstract :
Infection control and prevention in dental practices are paramount to ensure patient and staff safety. This paper explores the role of technology in enhancing knowledge, attitude, practice, and clinical recommendations related to infection control standards in dental settings. The review synthesizes existing research on the use of technology in improving infection control measures, including training programs, monitoring systems, and innovative tools. By examining the impact of technology on various aspects of infection control, this review provides insights into how digital solutions can optimize infection prevention strategies in dental clinics.
Infection control and prevention in dental practices are paramount to ensure patient and staff safety. This paper explores the role of technology in enhancing knowledge, attitude, practice, and clinical recommendations related to infection control standards in dental settings. The review synthesizes existing research on the use of technology in improving infection control measures, including training programs, monitoring systems, and innovative tools. By examining the impact of technology on various aspects of infection control, this review provides insights into how digital solutions can optimize infection prevention strategies in dental clinics.
Keywords : infection control, prevention, dental practices, technology, knowledge, attitude, practice, clinical recommendations
Name : Ahmed Abdrabalameer Alrashid
Name : Rahmah Sameer Bu Khader
Name : Fatimah Ali Alshakhs
Name : Zahra Hussain Aljumiy
Name : Anwar Abdullah Aljaber
Name : Khloud Mohammed Alkhamis
Name : Noora Fahad Alfudhiekh
Name : Zainab Ahmad Alzaqaan
Name : Fatima Mohammed Alkhamis
Name : Huda Taher Almoaibed Almoaibed
The Implementation of Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Nursing Care: A Review
Abstract :
Mindfulness-based interventions have gained recognition in healthcare settings for their potential to improve patient outcomes and enhance healthcare professionals’ well-being. This review explores the implementation of mindfulness-based interventions in nursing care, focusing on the evolution of mindfulness practices in Western healthcare systems. The concept of mindfulness, rooted in a deep awareness of present experiences without judgment, has been integrated into various healthcare interventions, such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).
The review discusses the historical development of mindfulness interventions, starting with Jon Kabat-Zinn’s pioneering work in integrating mindfulness into the treatment of chronic pain patients. The effectiveness of MBSR and MBCT in managing pain, depression, and anxiety is highlighted, along with their potential to enhance patient outcomes and prevent relapse in conditions like depression.
Drawing on recent research, the review emphasizes the need for standardized mindfulness practices in Western healthcare. By examining the core components of mindfulness interventions and their impact on patient care, this review aims to provide insights into the potential benefits of incorporating mindfulness into nursing practice.
Mindfulness-based interventions have gained recognition in healthcare settings for their potential to improve patient outcomes and enhance healthcare professionals’ well-being. This review explores the implementation of mindfulness-based interventions in nursing care, focusing on the evolution of mindfulness practices in Western healthcare systems. The concept of mindfulness, rooted in a deep awareness of present experiences without judgment, has been integrated into various healthcare interventions, such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).
The review discusses the historical development of mindfulness interventions, starting with Jon Kabat-Zinn’s pioneering work in integrating mindfulness into the treatment of chronic pain patients. The effectiveness of MBSR and MBCT in managing pain, depression, and anxiety is highlighted, along with their potential to enhance patient outcomes and prevent relapse in conditions like depression.
Drawing on recent research, the review emphasizes the need for standardized mindfulness practices in Western healthcare. By examining the core components of mindfulness interventions and their impact on patient care, this review aims to provide insights into the potential benefits of incorporating mindfulness into nursing practice.
Keywords : Mindfulness-based interventions, nursing care, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), patient outcomes, healthcare professionals’ well-being, standardized mindfulness practices.
Pharmacist/ Abdulaziz Abdullah Alanazi aaal-onazi@moh.gov.sa
Pharmacist/ Ziyad Mohammad Alnasr zalnasr@moh.gov.sa
Pharmacist/ Dalya Fayez Alenazi dfalenazi@moh.gov.sa
Pharmacist/ Abdulaziz Manea Alanazi aalanazi42@moh.gov.sa
Dental Assist / Shoaae Abdullah Alanazi shaalenzi@moh.gov.sa
Safety and efficacy of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and their effect on weight loss
Abstract :
Obesity can substantially harm human health, increasing the risk of diabetes mellitus (DM) and other negative effects. To lose weight, successful therapy methods and drugs have been developed. Glucagonlike peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1Ras) are indicated for weight loss in obese persons with or without type 2 diabetes (T2DM). The aim of this research to provide an overview of the safety and efficacy of glucagonlike peptide-1 receptor agonists and to determine whether treatment with a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor leads to weight loss in overweight or obese patients with or without type 2 diabetes. The current research offers evidence that GLP-1R agonist medication results in weight loss in overweight or obese people with or without type 2 diabetes mellitus. Given its potential benefits in lowering weight in addition to glycemic management, GLP-1 agonists may soon be used to treat obesity in both diabetic and non-diabetic persons. However, further research investigations, namely big clinical trials, are necessary to extend and fully explain the beneficial effects and potential negative effects of GLP-1 agonists. Obesity therapies based on glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonism are now being used and further developed. GLP-1 RA as an addition to LSI is effective and safe in adolescents with obesity who do not react well to lifestyle interventions. Since of the scarcity of data, a general advice is to favor long acting GLP-1 RA over short acting GLP-1 RA since they are licensed for the treatment of obesity and have greater tolerability, safety, and therapeutic response impact.
Obesity can substantially harm human health, increasing the risk of diabetes mellitus (DM) and other negative effects. To lose weight, successful therapy methods and drugs have been developed. Glucagonlike peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1Ras) are indicated for weight loss in obese persons with or without type 2 diabetes (T2DM). The aim of this research to provide an overview of the safety and efficacy of glucagonlike peptide-1 receptor agonists and to determine whether treatment with a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor leads to weight loss in overweight or obese patients with or without type 2 diabetes. The current research offers evidence that GLP-1R agonist medication results in weight loss in overweight or obese people with or without type 2 diabetes mellitus. Given its potential benefits in lowering weight in addition to glycemic management, GLP-1 agonists may soon be used to treat obesity in both diabetic and non-diabetic persons. However, further research investigations, namely big clinical trials, are necessary to extend and fully explain the beneficial effects and potential negative effects of GLP-1 agonists. Obesity therapies based on glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonism are now being used and further developed. GLP-1 RA as an addition to LSI is effective and safe in adolescents with obesity who do not react well to lifestyle interventions. Since of the scarcity of data, a general advice is to favor long acting GLP-1 RA over short acting GLP-1 RA since they are licensed for the treatment of obesity and have greater tolerability, safety, and therapeutic response impact.
Keywords : Safety, Efficacy, Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists; Obesity; Weight Loss .
Name : Adnan Hejji Alkhamais
Name : Hussain fadel al Rubia
Name : Maryam Hussain ALFadeal
Name : Ali Habib Albokhader
Name : Ahmed saleh Almaani
Name : Fatemah Abbas AlQattan
Name : Sukinah Mohammed ALnasser
Name : Fatimah Dhiyaa Alrabh
The role of nurses in promoting healthy nutrition and preventing obesity in society
A worldwide epidemic, the prevalence of obesity is increasing at an alarming rate among all age groups and demographic groups. Obesity is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a significant risk factor for a variety of chronic ailments, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and specific types of cancer (WHO, 2020). Amidst the escalating health crisis, there is a growing emphasis on the implementation of lifestyle interventions and the promotion of nutritious diets as means to prevent and control obesity.
In their distinctive capacity to provide healthcare, nurses assume an essential function in tackling the intricate dilemma of obesity. Nurses are in an advantageous position to encourage healthy eating practices and facilitate behavior change among communities, families, and individuals as primary caregivers, educators, and advocates. In addition to their conventional clinical responsibilities, their role encompasses work in the community, education, and advocacy for policies.
The objective of this study is to examine the diverse and intricate responsibilities of nurses in the community with regard to fostering nutritious eating habits and averting obesity. This study will analyze the diverse approaches and interventions implemented by nurses in an effort to tackle obesity. These will include community-based initiatives, patient education, and counseling. Furthermore, this paper will expound upon the obstacles encountered by nurses in carrying out this responsibility and put forth suggestions for further investigation and application (Bucher, 2019).
Through an analysis of the critical function performed by nurses in advocating for proper nutrition and averting obesity, this article emphasizes the need for nursing interventions to be incorporated into all-encompassing public health approaches designed to combat obesity and enhance the health of the general population.
A worldwide epidemic, the prevalence of obesity is increasing at an alarming rate among all age groups and demographic groups. Obesity is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a significant risk factor for a variety of chronic ailments, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and specific types of cancer (WHO, 2020). Amidst the escalating health crisis, there is a growing emphasis on the implementation of lifestyle interventions and the promotion of nutritious diets as means to prevent and control obesity.
In their distinctive capacity to provide healthcare, nurses assume an essential function in tackling the intricate dilemma of obesity. Nurses are in an advantageous position to encourage healthy eating practices and facilitate behavior change among communities, families, and individuals as primary caregivers, educators, and advocates. In addition to their conventional clinical responsibilities, their role encompasses work in the community, education, and advocacy for policies.
The objective of this study is to examine the diverse and intricate responsibilities of nurses in the community with regard to fostering nutritious eating habits and averting obesity. This study will analyze the diverse approaches and interventions implemented by nurses in an effort to tackle obesity. These will include community-based initiatives, patient education, and counseling. Furthermore, this paper will expound upon the obstacles encountered by nurses in carrying out this responsibility and put forth suggestions for further investigation and application (Bucher, 2019).
Through an analysis of the critical function performed by nurses in advocating for proper nutrition and averting obesity, this article emphasizes the need for nursing interventions to be incorporated into all-encompassing public health approaches designed to combat obesity and enhance the health of the general population.
Name : Fatima Nasser Alhassan
Name : Shkryah Mohammed Alkhamis
Name : Asmaa Adnan Al Ali
Name : Gadeer Habeeb Alhaiz
Name : Safa Mohammed Aljumaiah
Name : Hilalah Ali Albardweel
Name : Rania Abdurazzaq ALhumood
Name : Hawra Yousef Alkhater
Name : Jawad Mohammed Alabdullridha
Name : Ali Hussain Alyaseen
Name : Maryam Nasser Albrahim
Name : Zainab Mohammed Alkhamis
Improving the Quality of Services Rendered to Patients by Raising the Level of Job Satisfaction among Nurses
Introduction :
Nurses play a vital role in healthcare systems worldwide, functioning as primary carers responsible for providing a diverse range of necessary services. Their responsibilities include not just delivering hands-on medical treatment to patients, but also actively working towards improving health outcomes, guaranteeing patient safety, and advocating for the welfare of those under their supervision. Nevertheless, despite the crucial nature of their occupation, nurses frequently encounter many difficulties and barriers in their day-to-day work (Maier et al., 2017).
A large amount of stress is placed on the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of nurses as a result of the demanding nature of nursing practice, which is characterized by long hours, heavy workloads, and emotionally challenging situations (Chikukwa, 2020). Additionally, these pressures are further exacerbated by systemic obstacles that exist within healthcare organisations. These challenges include inadequate staffing, restricted resources, and hierarchical structures. As a result, nurses experience high levels of job stress, burnout, and discontent .
Nurses play a vital role in healthcare systems worldwide, functioning as primary carers responsible for providing a diverse range of necessary services. Their responsibilities include not just delivering hands-on medical treatment to patients, but also actively working towards improving health outcomes, guaranteeing patient safety, and advocating for the welfare of those under their supervision. Nevertheless, despite the crucial nature of their occupation, nurses frequently encounter many difficulties and barriers in their day-to-day work (Maier et al., 2017).
A large amount of stress is placed on the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of nurses as a result of the demanding nature of nursing practice, which is characterized by long hours, heavy workloads, and emotionally challenging situations (Chikukwa, 2020). Additionally, these pressures are further exacerbated by systemic obstacles that exist within healthcare organisations. These challenges include inadequate staffing, restricted resources, and hierarchical structures. As a result, nurses experience high levels of job stress, burnout, and discontent .
Name : Amal Meshni Ahmed Hakami
Name : Wejdan Ali Alwan Fadhel
Name : Eissa Moussa Ahmed Tawashi
Role of Laboratory Medicine in Disease Diagnosis and Management
Introduction :
Laboratory medicine, also known as clinical laboratory science or medical laboratory science, plays a crucial role in modern healthcare by providing essential diagnostic, prognostic, and monitoring information to support patient care. It encompasses a diverse range of disciplines and techniques aimed at analyzing biological specimens to detect, diagnose, and monitor diseases, assess treatment efficacy, and promote overall wellness. Laboratory medicine professionals, including medical laboratory scientists, pathologists, and laboratory technicians, work tirelessly behind the scenes to generate accurate and reliable laboratory test results. These results serve as critical components in the decision-making process for clinicians, guiding the diagnosis, treatment, and management of various medical conditions (Nemenqani, D. M., et al.2017). The field of laboratory medicine continues to evolve rapidly, driven by advancements in technology, automation, informatics, and molecular diagnostics. From traditional methods such as microscopy and culture to cutting-edge techniques like next-generation sequencing and mass spectrometry, laboratories are continually expanding their capabilities to meet the growing demands of modern healthcare (Lippi, G., & Plebani, M. 2020).
“The Role of Medical Social Workers in Enhancing Healthcare Quality”
Introduction :
Optimal patient outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and better population health are the end goals of healthcare systems around the world, all of which strive to provide high-quality treatment. Several behavioral, organizational, and structural elements must be considered in addition to clinical interventions in order to achieve high-quality healthcare. Here, medical social workers step up to the plate, bringing their own set of expertise and insights to bear on how to improve healthcare delivery.
As vital members of multidisciplinary healthcare teams, medical social workers help patients and their families with a wide range of emotional and psychological concerns. By combining professional knowledge with empathy and advocacy, they are able to understand and address the complex social factors that impact people’s health and wellbeing. In order to promote health equality and reduce gaps in healthcare outcomes, medical social workers are vital in addressing socioeconomic position, lack of resources, and social support networks, all of which are considered social determinants of health .
Optimal patient outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and better population health are the end goals of healthcare systems around the world, all of which strive to provide high-quality treatment. Several behavioral, organizational, and structural elements must be considered in addition to clinical interventions in order to achieve high-quality healthcare. Here, medical social workers step up to the plate, bringing their own set of expertise and insights to bear on how to improve healthcare delivery.
As vital members of multidisciplinary healthcare teams, medical social workers help patients and their families with a wide range of emotional and psychological concerns. By combining professional knowledge with empathy and advocacy, they are able to understand and address the complex social factors that impact people’s health and wellbeing. In order to promote health equality and reduce gaps in healthcare outcomes, medical social workers are vital in addressing socioeconomic position, lack of resources, and social support networks, all of which are considered social determinants of health .
Name : Talal Hussein Alanazi Nursing technician
Name : HEJJI DAKEEL ALANAZI Pharmacist Assistant
Name : Zaid Jzaa Almutairi ophthalmologist
Name : Faleh Ayad Alharbi nutrition specialist
Name : Nawaf Nasser Almutairi X-ray technician
Name : Mohammed Abdullah Alharbi X-ray specialist
Name : MAJED TURKI ALMUTAIRI X-ray specialist
Name : Khalifah Abdullah ALrashee Physical therapy technician
The influence of community resilience on disaster preparedness
Introduction :
Since the start of the millennium, a significant portion of the population has experienced the direct impact of regular natural catastrophes, primarily affecting those residing in developing nations. As natural disasters are happening more frequently and with greater intensity around the world, it is becoming increasingly important for local decision-makers, practitioners, and community members to improve their ability to evaluate the resilience of their communities to these disasters. Gaining insight into resilience through the viewpoints of community stakeholders can facilitate the implementation of strategies aimed at mitigating the effects of catastrophes on the community as a whole, resulting in both human lives and financial resources being preserved. These stakeholders necessitate unambiguous and meticulous approaches to comprehend their risk profiles and to carry out evaluations of the magnitude of the consequences of natural calamities. Utilizing a more comprehensive and fair method of measuring resilience can assist communities in properly allocating their limited resources toward developing disaster mitigation strategies that reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience (Tariq, et al.2021) .
Since the start of the millennium, a significant portion of the population has experienced the direct impact of regular natural catastrophes, primarily affecting those residing in developing nations. As natural disasters are happening more frequently and with greater intensity around the world, it is becoming increasingly important for local decision-makers, practitioners, and community members to improve their ability to evaluate the resilience of their communities to these disasters. Gaining insight into resilience through the viewpoints of community stakeholders can facilitate the implementation of strategies aimed at mitigating the effects of catastrophes on the community as a whole, resulting in both human lives and financial resources being preserved. These stakeholders necessitate unambiguous and meticulous approaches to comprehend their risk profiles and to carry out evaluations of the magnitude of the consequences of natural calamities. Utilizing a more comprehensive and fair method of measuring resilience can assist communities in properly allocating their limited resources toward developing disaster mitigation strategies that reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience (Tariq, et al.2021) .