الإصدار العشرون

الإصدار العشرون من المجلة العلمية لنشر البحوث 

تم نشر الإصدار العشرون من المجلة العمية لنشر البحوث  في: 1-9-2023م. يحتوي الإصدار على بعض الأبحاث في مختلف التخصصات، كما أن الإصدار قد تناول العديد من المشاكل البحثية المهمه التي تشكل أهمية وفائدة كبيرة للمجتمع العلمي والمعرفي. جميع الأبحاث متاحة للتحميل والتعقيب والاستشهاد المرجعي لكافة الباحثين والأكاديميين.

الأبحاث والأوراق العلمية:

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The challenges facing the educational planning in North Al Batinah schools in the Sultanate of Oman, from the point of view of its principals

Name: Noura Ali Said Ali Al sinani


 This study aimed to identify the challenges facing the educational planning process in schools in North Al Batinah Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman from the point of view of their principals. The sample was selected in a simple random way, and the two researchers used the questionnaire as a tool for their study after its validity, reliability, and validity for data collection were measured.  Relations with the community ranked first with the highest arithmetic average of (4.00). While in the second rank came the field of material capabilities, with a medium degree and an arithmetic mean of (30.3). and in the third rank came the field of each of the teachers and the administrative field with an average degree and with an arithmetic mean of (3.27).In the fourth ranking came the field of students with an average degree and an arithmetic mean of (3.20). These challenges and trying to reduce them and limit their negative effects. In addition, the most prominent of these recommendations is to work on providing material and moral capabilities for leaders within educational institutions strengthening the community partnership between the school administration and the local community to develop educational planning.  In addition, identify competencies, capabilities, and capabilities that must be available in any educational institution, and interest in educational planning in particular in light of the current crises and circumstances, because it directly and continuously affects education, as well as interest in conducting many other types of research in this field.

 Keywords: challenges, educational planning, School Principal.

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The Incidence of Information and Communication Technologies in Early Childhood Classrooms: A Systemic Literature Review

Name:Dalal Aldhilan

Email: dalalaldalaan@gmail.com


The significance of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in teaching and learning has been widely recognized owing to technological advancements. It has become an essential part of education at all levels including early childhood education. Existing studies elaborated various viewpoints regarding the use of ICT in early childhood education (ECE) and have identified a number of barriers to its use in the classroom context. The overview of these studies does not gravitate towards a single viewpoint or conclusion which creates room for exploration of the topic at a deeper level. This systematic literature review (SLR) aims to contribute to the existing pool of literature regarding the attitude of teachers about the effectiveness of the use of ICT in ECE classrooms. Using PRISMA protocols, 12 studies were identified to carry out this SLR mainly explored the attitude of teachers towards the use of ICT, existing practices and its effectiveness in teaching at the ECE level. The study concludes that generally, the teachers have a positive attitude towards the use of ICT at the ECE level, however, its practice is limited in classrooms due to a number of reasons. It further concludes that half of the teachers consider it effective as a means to teach at the ECE level while the other half opine that the same can be achieved using traditional means. Based on the results, I identified the research gaps and suggested venues that can be addressed in future studies. The results of this study provide valuable insight into ICT integration at the ECE level and suggest areas to improve such as training teachers, and providing ICT resources for effective use in a classroom environment.

Keywords: Cooperative/collaborative learning, Early years’ education, Distributed learning environments, Improving classroom teaching, Teaching/learning strategies.

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The research object to find out the impact of external borrowings from Islamic financial institutions and the financial performance of medical companies in KSA. The major objective of this research is to investigate and compare information and data on the role of external debts to improve medical performance in Saudi Arabia. A sample of 8 medical companies in the KSA. A multi-linear regression analysis has been done along 5 years from 2017 to 2021, included the financial ratios that represents the study variables, Independent variables are (Net Profit Ratio, Return of Assets Ratio (ROA), Return on Equity Ratio (ROE), dependent variables (Debt Ratio, Current Debt Ratio) and There is a significant relationship between LB and firm’s ROA, ROE in study sample where R = 50.9% at a significant level less than 5%. There is a significant relationship between LB and firm’s ROE in study sample where R = 49.5% at a significant level less than 5%, and recommended to apply this type of models on the financial sector in KSA in the future.

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أثر الاختلاف بين الأسلوب المعرفي ونمط التفاعل في بيئة تعلم قائمة على الإنفوجرافيك لتنمية مهارات الفهم القرائي
الاسم: نوير عيد متعب المطيري 
الايميل: Nwayer2016@hotmail.com 

هدف البحث الحالي الكشف عن أثر التفاعل بني الأسلوب المعرفي (معتمد – مستقل) ونمط التفاعل (متعلم –محتوى) (متعلم – متعلم) في بيئة تعلم قائمة على الإنفوجرافيك، وذلك سعياً لتنمية مهارات الفهم القرائي في مادة اللغة العربية لدى عينة من طالبات المرحلة المتوسطة الناطقات بغيرها.

استخدم البحث المنهج شبه التجريبي، وتكونت عينة البحث الأساسية من (28) طالبة تم اختيارهن قصدياً، وتم تقسيمهن إلى أربع مجموعات؛ حيث تضم كل مجموعة سبع طالبات. وتمثلت أدوات البحث في اختبار تحصيل معرفي، واختبار الأشكال المتضمنة. وبعد إعداد مادة المعالجة التجريبية، وتطبيق أدوات البحث؛ توصلت الدراسة إلى أنه يوجد أثر للاختلاف بني الأسلوب المعرفي ونمط التفاعل في بيئة التعلم القائمة على الإنفوجرافيك لتنمية مهارات الفهم القرائي في مادة اللغة العربية لدى طالبات المرحلة المتوسطة الناطقات بغريها.

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Optimizing CNC Lathe Machine Performance through Machine Learning Techniques: A Comparative Study

Name: Athoob Abdullah Al-Abdaly

Email: aa.alabdaly@paaet.edu.kw


This paper aims to investigate the potential of leveraging machine learning techniques to improve the performance of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) lathe machines. CNC lathe machines are widely used in manufacturing industries for precision turning operations. While they offer numerous advantages, such as high accuracy and repeatability, there is still room for improvement in terms of optimizing cutting parameters, reducing machining time, and enhancing overall productivity. This paper proposes the utilization of Machine Learning (ML) to analyze large datasets generated during CNC lathe operations and develop predictive models for optimizing various machining parameters. The paper compares and evaluates different machine learning approaches, namely supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning, in terms of their effectiveness in improving CNC lathe machine performance then proposes an outline for future work.

Keywords: CNC lathe machine, machine learning, performance improvement, cutting parameters, optimization, artificial intelligence

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Name : Naji Dhafer Mohammed Alyami
Name : Hezam Ali Mahdi Al Sulayyim
Name : Dhafer Saleh Mohammed Al Suwayyid
Name : Turki Ali H Binhamim
Name : Abdulaziz Nasser Mohammed Alyami
Name : Saleh Muhammed Hassan Lasloum
Name : Hussain Naji Mufarih Al Abu Ghubar
Name : Jaber Askar M Lasloom



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