Fatty liver for diabetics
الإصدار الرابع والثلاثون من المجلة العلمية لنشر البحوث
تم نشر الإصدار الرابع والثلاثون من المجلة العمية لنشر البحوث في: 1-12 -2024م. يحتوي الإصدار على بعض الأبحاث في مختلف التخصصات، كما أن الإصدار قد تناول العديد من المشاكل البحثية المهمه التي تشكل أهمية وفائدة كبيرة للمجتمع العلمي والمعرفي. جميع الأبحاث متاحة للتحميل والتعقيب والاستشهاد المرجعي لكافة الباحثين والأكاديميين.
الأبحاث والأوراق العلمية:
Name: Khalid Slman Al Ghzwani
Radiology specialist
Name: Albatool Saeed Al Shahrani
Radiology specialist
Name:Azaam Abdullah Al Malki
Radiology technician
Name:Mohammed Saqer Al Otaibi
Radiology technician
Fatty liver for diabetics
The complex and intricate relationship between diabetes and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has been the subject of extensive research and clinical observations over the years. This connection was first suggested in 1884 when Pepper noted fatty infiltration in the liver of a patient, which laid the groundwork for further investigations into the interplay between liver disease and metabolic disorders. This early observation set the stage for a deeper understanding of how conditions such as diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), interact with liver pathology. In 1938, Connor made further significant contributions by documenting the presence of fatty liver in diabetic patients and proposing that it could potentially lead to cirrhosis in these individuals. This pivotal observation suggested that the liver was not just an incidental organ in the pathophysiology of diabetes, but a central player in the progression of the disease(Bhatt et al.,2015).