Advances in artificial intelligence-assisted imaging for early detection of cancer
الإصدار الثالث والثلاثون من المجلة العلمية لنشر البحوث
تم نشر الإصدار الثالث والثلاثون من المجلة العمية لنشر البحوث في: 1-11 -2024م. يحتوي الإصدار على بعض الأبحاث في مختلف التخصصات، كما أن الإصدار قد تناول العديد من المشاكل البحثية المهمه التي تشكل أهمية وفائدة كبيرة للمجتمع العلمي والمعرفي. جميع الأبحاث متاحة للتحميل والتعقيب والاستشهاد المرجعي لكافة الباحثين والأكاديميين.
الأبحاث والأوراق العلمية:
Advances in artificial intelligence-assisted imaging for early detection of cancer
This research explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted imaging in the early detection of cancer, a critical area that has shown significant promise in improving patient outcomes through timely intervention. AI has the potential to transform medical imaging by enabling more precise and efficient detection of cancer at its earliest stages, particularly in identifying abnormalities such as tumors and lesions in medical images like CT scans, MRIs, and X-rays. By focusing on the effectiveness of various AI algorithms, the study aims to evaluate their accuracy in detecting signs of cancer and investigate the challenges associated with implementing these technologies into clinical settings. The research will examine the integration of AI tools and their feasibility in routine medical practices, considering factors such as technological limitations, ethical concerns, and the required infrastructure. Ultimately, the goal is to assess how AI-assisted imaging can enhance early diagnosis, improve treatment planning, and contribute to better patient outcomes by facilitating faster and more accurate identification of cancer.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Early Detection, Cancer Imaging, Medical Imaging, Diagnostic Accuracy, Machine Learning.