الإصدار الثامن
الإصدار الثامن من المجلة العلمية لنشر البحوث
تم نشر الإصدار الثامن من المجلة العمية لنشر البحوث في: 1-9-2022م. يحتوي الإصدار على بعض الأبحاث في مختلف التخصصات، كما أن الإصدار قد تناول العديد من المشاكل البحثية المهمه التي تشكل أهمية وفائدة كبيرة للمجتمع العلمي والمعرفي. جميع الأبحاث متاحة للتحميل والتعقيب والاستشهاد المرجعي لكافة الباحثين والأكاديميين.
الأبحاث والأوراق العلمية:
أثر جائحة كورونا(Coved19) على الأداء المالي والتشغيلي لقطاع شركات الطيران بالامارات (دراسة تطبيقية على شركة طيران الامارات احدى شركات مجموعة الامارات ، 2019 – 2021)
الاسم: أيمن عبد الله محمد أبوبكر
الايميل: dr.ayman8319@hotmail.com
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على أثر جائحة كورونا(Coved19) على الأداء المالي والتشغيلي لقطاع شركات الطيران بالامارات، وذلك بالتطبيق على طيران الامارات احدى شركات مجموعة الامارات، حيث تمثلت مشكلة الدراسة فى أثر جائحة كورونا(Coved19) على الأداء المالي والتشغيلي لشركة طيران الامارات ، ولقد إعتمدت الدراسة على الفرضيات التالية:
- يوجد أثر ذو دلالة احصائية لجائحة كورونا(Coved19) على الأداء المالي لشركة طيران الامارات .
- يوجد أثر ذو دلالة احصائية لجائحة كورونا(Coved19)على الأداء التشغيلي لشركة طيران الامارات.
تم إستخدام بيانات كمية متمثلة في التقارير المالية للأعوام (2019 -2020) – (2020)، وتم استخدام تحليل الانحدار الخطي عبر برنامج التحليل الإحصائي (SPSS) في التحليل، وتوصلت الدراسة إلى نتائج أهمها: بأن هنالك تأثير لجائحة كورونا (Coved19) على الأداء المالي لشركة طيران الامارات، ولكن هذا التأثير لم يصل بالشركة لدرجة الخطر، كما أكدت نتائج الدراسة من واقع التقرير التشغيلي بأن هنالك تأثير لجائحة كورونا (Coved19) على الأداء التشغيلي لشركة طيران الامارات، وذلك في فترة التوقف والتي بدأت في مارس 2020، كما أوصت الدراسة بضرورة قيام الشركة بعد الانتهاء من هذه الجائحة، بالافصاح في التقارير المالية عن دور إدارة الشركة للأداء المالي، كذلك ضرورة قيام الشركة بعد الانتهاء من هذه الجائحة، بالافصاح في التقارير المالية عن دور إدارة الشركة للأداء التشغيلي وتأثيره على العملاء والمجتمع، وأخيراً على الشركة تقييم مدى مناسبة اعداد القوائم المالية على أساس الاستمرارية في الفترة اللاحقة لتاريخ نهاية السنة المالية.
الكلمات المفتاحية : جائحة كورونا(Coved19)، الأداء المالي، الأداء التشغيلي.
“Lease Contracts Ending in Ownership and Their Effect on the Perfromance of Credit Portfolio in Isalmic Banks” An Applied Study on Dubai Islamic Bank and Alhilal Islamic bank in the United Arab Emirates
Name: Dr, Ayman Abdalla Mohamed Abu Baker
This study examined Dubai Islamic Bank and Alhilal Islamic Bank in the United Arab Emirates to discover lease arrangements ending in ownership and their effect on credit portfolio performance. The research problem is lease contracts ending in ownership and their effect on Islamic banks’ credit portfolios. The study develops three hypotheses: Compliance with Islamic Sharia for leasing contracts ending in ownership correlates with Islamic bank credit portfolio performance at a.0.5 significance level. Using lease contracts that end in ownership to increase ROI correlates with Islamic bank credit portfolio performance at a significance level of.0.5. Accounting treatment for leasing contracts ending in ownership affects Islamic bank credit portfolio performance at a 0.5 significance level. SPSS was used to analyse data and conduct the field investigation. According to this, the research found: The bank followed Islamic Sharia for lease-to-own contracts. The bank’s return on investment is higher when leases end in ownership. The bank’s financial statements list all lease-to-own assets. The research proposed that bank management use financial leasing to improve the performance of credit portfolios and increase the volume of investments in lease-to-own mode compared to other financing modes. The report advised that bank management build an accounting system that consolidates bank-owned lease contracts.
Keywords: Contracts ending in ownership, Credit portfolio, Islamic banks.
“Efficacy of Phonophoresis on Spastic Ankle Plantar Flexors Control in Diplegic Cerebral Palsy Children”
Name: Yousef Ali Hassan AL-zahrani
Master of physical therapy Directorate of Health Affairs,Medical Rehabilitation and Long Term Care ,Jeddah ,Saudi Arabia
Email: Yuosef-@hotmail.com
Name: Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Azam
Purpose: The aim of the study was to show the efficacy of phonophoresis in combination with traditional physiotherapy for reducing calf muscle spasticity and tightness in diplegic cerebral palsy patient
Subjects and Methods: The study included 30 patients with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy, with age ranged from 2 to 6 years old, with different grade of MAS 1,1+, divided into two groups. The first group with a mean age (3.87+1.25) years, followed phonophoresis plus traditional physiotherapy training ,3 sessions per week for 8 weeks, the second group with a mean age (4.33+ 1.35) years followed traditional physiotherapy training only,3 sessions per week for 8 weeks. Outcome measures were modified ashworth scale (MAS) that measure spasticity and universal standard goniometer to measure joint range of motion.
Result: A significant improvement was recorded in spasticity control and tightness release of calf muscles in the experimental group.
Conclusion: Phonophoresis in combination with traditional physiotherapy was more effective in reducing mild spasticity and tightness of calf muscle in diplegic cerebral palsy children than using traditional physiotherapy program alone.
Keywords: Phonophoresis – Ankle Plantar – Spastic – Diplegic Cerebral – Palsy Children
“Work environment and its relationship with job satisfaction among nurses in Riyadh region, Saudi Arabia”
Name: Abdullah Ghazi Alotaibi
Email: ghazi1457@gmail.com
Purpose: Numerous organizations and businesses underate the importance of employee job satisfaction, without realizing that it is the root of many issues in the workplace. Employees require a distraction-free working environment, conducive to realizing their potential, in order to attain their organizations’ goals. Previous studies have shown that multiple aspects work environment factor—such as remuneration, employee autonomy, working hours, and the communication and relationship between the employees and the employers—have a lasting effect on job satisfaction. Despite various studies on the working environment and the barriers therein, there are limited studies focusing on how nursing professionals’ job satisfaction is affected by their working environment, especially in the locale of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Growth kinetic of multi-metal resistant bacteria under metal stress .
The use of multi-metal resistant bacteria as an alternative to heavy metal removal has become increasingly important in recent years. In this study, the potential growth of nine bacterial isolates on media with four different metals included copper, zinc, nickel, and chromium at 10, 50, and 100 mg/L, individually and quaternary were assessed. The data obtained were analysed to determine the effect of metals on the growth kinetics of the bacterial isolates in metal resistance. The growth kinetics included specific growth rate, doubling time and biomass production rate. Based on these parameters, the ability and selectivity of these isolates to grow under metal stress and produce biomass were determined. Tolerance parameters and performance index of all isolates at different metal concentrations were evaluated. The results showed that nine bacterial isolates were able to grow in culture medium integrated with individual and quaternary metals in all selected concentrations. They showed greater adaptability and resistance of metals with well and different rates. The highest biomass production was achieved with Ni followed by Zn were approximately more than half, while Cu, Cr and quaternary ranging approximately between one-third to half of the biomass produced without metals. B megaterium, S ginsensidmutans and K rhizophila the highest tolerance level and performance index with quaternary selected as multimetal tolerant bacteria. Based on the findings obtained, it is possible to conclude that isolates have potential applicability for further research related to bioremediation of metals and management of contaminated sites with vital methods.
Keywords: specific growth rate, metal stress, kinetic parameters, multimetal resistant bacteria, Heavy metals, biomass production.
Characterization and possibility growth for multifetal resistant bacteria from electroplating effluent to potential metal Nbioremediation
Industrialization increased metal-laden wastewater discharges. Electroplating pollutes wastewater with metals. These toxins affect environmental systems and public health due to toxicity, persistence, and water quality degradation. Electroplating effluent-exposed microorganisms minimise metal contamination. Metal-resistant bacteria settle debris in industrial effluents for bioremediation. Current work isolates and identifies naturally occurring bacteria from electroplating effluents, analyses effluent physicochemical properties, and verifies their ability to resist, thrive on various metals, and combined toxicity of quaternary combinations on isolate survival. 60 bacterial isolates were cultivated on agar plates containing copper, zinc, nickel, and chromium. New metal-resistant species and combinations emerge. Secondary screening identified nine 50mg/l-growing isolates. Morphological, biochemical, and 16S rRNA gene sequencing were performed. MIC, growth kinetic, and combined metals toxicity effects are used to determine multi metal resistance and growth at the highest concentration. Microbacterium paraoxydans, Streptomyces werraensis, Microbacterium arabinogalactanolyticum, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Bacillus paramycoides, Bacillus megaterium, Sphingobacterium ginsenosidimutans, Kocuria rhizophila, and Sphingobacterium detergens were found. All isolates showed multi-metal tolerance and better growth performance with MICs between 200 and 1200 mg/L. First and control had S- and bell-shaped growth curves with lag, log, saturation, and decline phases. Metals impacted stationary more.
Keywords: Heavy metals, metal resistant bacteria, growth patterns, electroplating effluents, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration, bioremediation.
أحكام تغيير الجنس والهوية الجنسية في الفقه الإسلامي
يتميز المجتمع الإسلامي بأنه مجتمع صحيح وقائم على أسس سليمة، فهو مجتمع قادر وقوي يستطيع النهوض والتطور بمتطلبات واحتياجات الحياة مع تمسكه بعقيدته وعدم التخلي عنها، وله الطرق الخاصة به التي تعينه على بذل الجهود لأعداد القوة الكافية لذلك النهوض والتطور، وهذه القوة هي عبارة عن قوة مادية ومعنوية وهي تهدف الى استقامة الحياة وتجديدها.
ولتحقيق القوة المادية التي تساعد على تطور ونهوض الحياة لابد من تحقيق قوة معنوية تنبع من العلم ووسائله والمعرفة وخطوات تطوراتهم، وتنادي الشريعة الإسلامية بالتعلم وملاحقة التطورات المستمرة للعلم، فتصبح الشريعة الإسلامية ملائمة ومناسبة مع كل زمان ومكان، وملائمة لشتى المجالات الحياتية ومن ضمن تلك المجالات هو المجال الطبي
“The role of sterilization in health centers and its impact on the nature of work”
The objective of the study is to assess the efficacy of sterilization in health centres , specifically in relation to the utilization of modern equipment and the competence of individuals who have received training in sterilisation procedures . These individuals , whether from nursing or other related fields , are responsible for carrying out the sterilisation process. A survey was administered to a total of 650 individuals, comprising both males and females, in order to assess their perspectives and level of contentment about sterilisation services at their respective healthcare facilities . The survey yielded replies from a total of 600 individuals across all healthcare centres in the Mecca region .
Name : Ghareeb Hussain Alghareeb
Development of Advanced Laboratory Techniques
Modern laboratory techniques have completely changed the way science investigates complex phenomena by providing previously unheard-of insights into a wide range of fields. These methods cover a wide range of apparatus, analytical techniques, and strategies that enable researchers to explore the complexities of physical, chemical, and biological systems in greater detail. The development of sophisticated laboratory techniques has sparked ground-breaking discoveries and inventions, ranging from understanding the molecular causes of disease to creating materials with specific qualities.
Thanks to interdisciplinary collaborations and technical advancements, laboratory procedures have advanced significantly in recent years. Next-generation sequencing (NGS), a high-throughput sequencing technology, has completely changed the field of genomics research by allowing for the unprecedented scale of thorough analysis of DNA, RNA, and epigenetic changes (Shendure & Ji, 2008). In a similar vein, researchers may now image cellular structures and dynamics with previously unattainable clarity and precision thanks to super-resolution microscopy techniques (Huang, Bates, & Zhuang, 2009).
Moreover, by improving throughput, repeatability, and data analysis capabilities, the incorporation of automation, robots, and data science into laboratory procedures has transformed experimentation. According to Sackmann, Fulton, and Beebe (2014), microfluidic technologies have made it possible to precisely regulate small-scale studies, opening up new research opportunities for the study of biomolecular interactions and cellular processes. Research in areas like drug discovery and personalized medicine has been accelerated by developments in big data analytics and machine learning algorithms, which have made it easier to extract valuable insights from complicated datasets (Marx, 2013).
The current state of modern laboratory techniques in a variety of scientific fields will be examined in this study. We will analyze the tenets, uses, and consequences of state-of-the-art laboratory techniques, drawing on influential papers and current research findings. We hope to offer a thorough summary of the state-of-the-art in laboratory techniques today and shed light on potential future areas for research and innovation by combining ideas from the literature.
Name : Jassim Abdulmageed Aljassim
Name : Basmah Hussain ALKhalifah
Name : Fadi Naji Alhaidar
Name : Abdullah ali alqurayn
Name : Azhar Abdullah Buamer
The function of nursing in hospital infection prevention
Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a global concern, posing significant challenges to patient safety and healthcare systems. Nurses play a crucial role in infection control within hospitals, serving as frontline warriors in the battle against HAIs. This paper explores the multifaceted role of nursing in infection prevention and control, highlighting strategies and interventions employed by nurses to mitigate risks, enhance patient safety, and uphold healthcare excellence. Nurses’ responsibilities encompass leadership support, patient education, healthcare worker training, implementation of transmission-based precautions, and adherence to standard precautions. Challenges facing nursing in hospital infection control include staffing shortages, compliance with protocols, resource constraints, patient factors, and emerging pathogens. Addressing these challenges requires collaborative efforts, ongoing education, and proactive measures to strengthen nursing’s role in preventing the spread of infections within hospitals .
Name : Sultan Abdullah Alelyani Nursing technician
Name : Jazy Jaez Alharbi Nursing technician
Name : SAAD AEDH ALQAHTANI Senior specialist in health services and hospitals management
Name : AbdulMajeed Muhammad Al-Muiteq Ambulance technician
Name : Asman Marshad Alhrabi Nursing technician
Name : IBRAHIM ABDULAZIZ BIN OSFUR Epidemiology technician
Environmental exposure to dust among family members and its repercussions on respiratory health
The most prevalent source of non-anthropogenic dust in the environment is fugitive dust, which occurs naturally as soil, sand, and rock erode. Fugitive dust (hereinafter referred to as “dust”) originates predominantly in arid and dry places where powerful winds can remove and transport particles over a large area. Furthermore, human activity can increase fugitive dust through particular land, water, and farmland management methods. In some countries, blowing dust can be a significant component of the particle mix. Dust particles might be large or little, visible or invisible. They can be deposited close to their source or hundreds of miles distant, depending on how far the wind blows. The size of particles is often classified as coarse or fine. Coarse particles (CP; particles ranging in size from 2.5 to 10 microns) and fine particles (PM2.5; particles smaller than or equal to 2.5 microns) come from diverse sources and have distinct features and possible health impacts. CP are formed by resuspended material and mechanical grinding, and they are primarily composed of crustal matter (the principal source of fugitive dust), road dust, and metal. PM2.5 is typically produced by fuel combustion processes (e.g., power plants, mobile sources, and biomass burning) or photochemical reactions in the atmosphere, and it contains organic and elemental carbon, sulfate, nitrate, and metals. However, fugitive dust can be discovered in the fine-particulate range, exposing populations far downwind .
Name : Asma Dhafi Al-Anzi
Name : Amna Fayez Al-Anazi
Name : Saud Nayef Al-Anazi
Name : Maalye Jumaan Al-Anazi
Name : Ghada Abdullah Al-Anzi
Name : Hadeel Ibrahim Amaka
Name : Farah Ibrahim Bernawi
Name : Maha Sayel Al Otaibi
Name : Fatima Awaither Al-Shammari
Name : Sharifa Saad Al Mahboob
Name : Maha Mujab Al Otaibi
The Contribution of Nurses to Response and Preparedness for COVID-19 and Other Disasters
Given that “disaster” denotes unexpected and tragic events, the management of such events is a continuous worry that necessitates heightened focus and cooperation on a worldwide level. Healthcare professionals, such as physicians, pharmacists, and nurses, have crucial responsibilities in reducing adverse effects on community health (Kimin et al., 2022). The decisions made by these professionals are of utmost importance in emergency situations as they constitute a crucial component of the healthcare workforce (Gillani et al., 2021). The emphasis on nursing stems from its crucial role in delivering hands-on patient care, comprehensive expertise in healthcare, and adeptness in managing intricate situations. Nurses play a crucial role as first responders in emergency circumstances, utilizing their experience and skills to treat both the physical and emotional needs of patients (Rony et al., 2022).
Consultant, Endodontics, King Fahad General Hospital,Saudi Arabia
The Efficacy of Dental Implants in Restoring Missing Teeth and Boosting Self-Confidence
The introduction of dental implants in modern dentistry has fundamentally transformed the approach of dental practitioners towards replacing missing teeth. Dental implants go beyond basic functionality and have become a fundamental aspect of improving both oral health and overall well-being. They restore confidence and self-esteem in persons who are missing teeth.
Dental implants are an impressive innovation in dental technology, providing a long-lasting remedy for tooth loss that nearly resembles the anatomy of a real tooth. Dental implants offer a superior solution compared to traditional bridges or dentures, as they give exceptional stability and comfort (Saeed et al., 2020). They effortlessly connect with the jawbone, ensuring a strong foundation for prosthetic teeth. Osseointegration, a process of integration, provides a solid base for the replacement tooth, allowing patients to regain full functioning while eating, speaking, and participating in social interactions with assurance .
Name : Zahra Hussein Aljassim
Name : Latifah Yousif Alnuwaibet
Name : Huda Mubarak Alzahrani
Name : Zinab Hassan Al atia
Name : Wardah ali alshaqaq
Name : Roqayah Ali Alshebib
Name : Wejdan Ali Alshaqaq
Name : Fatemah Abdulsamad Alhamad
Name : Ali Abdullah Aljaber
Considerations for the future of nursing in the digital age
The impact of digital technologies on the nursing profession is growing worldwide. Instances encompass the expanding prevalence of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic systems; society’s dependence on mobile, internet, and social media; and the rising reliance on telehealth and other virtual care models, notably in reaction to the covid-19 pandemic. Although there have been significant advancements thus far, there are still ongoing difficulties in the implementation of digital technology in nursing. An ongoing issue is that nurses have not kept up with the rapid advancements in digital technologies and their effects on society. These limitations hinder the full extent of the advantages they offer to nursing practice and patient care. In order to address these issues and adequately prepare for the future, the nursing profession must promptly undergo a transformation that incorporates digital technology. This transformation will enable nurses to effectively respond to the intricate global challenges that health systems and society are currently confronting. Several examples demonstrate the advantageous impact of digital technologies on nursing practice and education.(Krick, et al., 2019) Telehealth programs, in which nurses offer daily monitoring, coaching, and triage to individuals with multiple chronic illnesses, have effectively decreased emergency department admissions.(van Berkel, et al. 2019) Nurses are using mobile technology, including cellphones and health applications, to provide remote guidance on pain management to teenage cancer patients.(Jibb, et al. 2020) enhance nursing education by offering inventive pedagogical strategies for delivering knowledge and facilitating remote learning options.(Chuang, et al. 2018) The utilization of AI systems in nursing is still in its early stages of development and implementation. Initial evidence indicates that virtual Chabot’s may contribute to the optimization of patient communication, while robots could enhance the emotional and social assistance provided by nurses to patients. However, it is important to recognize the inherent difficulties related to data privacy, ethics, and cost effectiveness. (Buchanan, et al. 2020)
Name : Abdullah obaid almutairi Nursing technician
Name : Mohammed thadan alsubaie Ray technician
Name : Sattam Awaadh Almutairi nursing
Name : SAUD ATLALLAH S ALOTAIBI Nursing technician
Name : Saad Hammood B Alotaibi Public health technician
Name : Saad mohammed E alsubaie Health Informatics Technician
Name : Mohammed Naif nafel Almutairi Technician Epidemiology technician
Name : Fahad Obaid Rashed Alharbi Health Assistaant
Name : NAIF DHAFER ALSHALAWi Health Management and Hospitals Specialist
Name : Abdullah Qaseem alenaze Health Facilities Administration
Name : Mohammed Ali Almutairi Nurse
Name : Mona Shshan Alenaze Nurse
The psychological effects of nursing work
Nursing is a multifaceted profession that goes beyond clinical tasks, involving profound emotional experiences that significantly impact caregivers. This paper explores the psychological effects of nursing work, encompassing factors such as workplace stressors, challenges faced historically and currently, coping mechanisms, and support systems. Drawing on transactional theory, it examines individual and organizational factors contributing to nurses’ psychological well-being. The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified these challenges, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive support systems for nurses. Strategies for self-care, seeking support, setting boundaries, and technological adaptation are discussed. Additionally, organizational support systems, including supportive leadership, effective communication channels, and policies prioritizing employee well-being, are highlighted as crucial for fostering a positive work environment and mitigating burnout .
Employer/ Primary health care center in Budaiya and Al-Qarfi
Name / Hadeel Ibrahim Ahmed Alnuman Speciality / Specialist-Health Education
Employer/ Clinical Education Department
Name : ALAA EISI S ALAAULLAH Speciality / Medical Secretary
Employer / Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health Affairs
Name / Fadi Mousa Ibrahim Jabril Speciality / Medical secretary
Employer/ King Fahd Hospital, Jazan
Name / Ali Mohammed Ali Kulaybi Speciality / Diploma in Epidemiology
Employer/ Ahad Al-Masarha Hospital
Name / Waseem Hadi Abu Hadash Speciality / Diploma in Epidemiology
Employer/ Ahad Almsaraha Hospital
Name / Waheed Hadi Abu Hadash Speciality / Diploma in Epidemiology
Employer/ Abu Arish North Health Care Center
Name : Ahmed Mousa Omar Idris Speciality / Technician-Public Health
Employer / Abu Arish North Health Care Center
Name / Yahya Mohamed Gtabri Daghreri Speciality / Sociology
Employer/ Ahad Almsarha Hospital
Name / Abdullah Ahmed Mohammed Masmali Speciality / Health Education
Employer/ Alasamilah Primary Health Care center
Name / khulud mohammed ali sughayyir Speciality / Medical secretary technician
Employer/ Northern Primary Care Centre
Exploring the Impact of Health awareness and education Campaigns and Educational Initiatives on Promoting Well-being and Preventive Healthcare Practices
When it comes to public health initiatives, health education and awareness campaigns are mighty pillars that can change people’s habits and the health of their communities. These programs play a critical role in getting the word out about the importance of early detection, healthy lifestyle choices, and illness prevention. These programs promote proactive healthcare practices by engaging diverse audiences through multiple platforms and channels, catalyzing a collective consciousness around health-related concerns.
Recognizing their critical role in promoting health and preventing disease is central to these initiatives. The ability to make educated decisions regarding one’s health is given to individuals through educational interventions and focused messages. Personal responsibility and ownership over one’s well-being are fostered by these programs, which advocate for frequent checkups, encourage physical activity, and emphasize the significance of balanced eating (Pronk, N., et al. (2021).
Health education and awareness initiatives have far-reaching effects that go well beyond the modification of individual behavior. These programs help achieve larger public health goals like decreasing healthcare expenditures, improving quality of life, and decreasing the frequency of chronic diseases by encouraging a mindset of prevention and early intervention. Health inequalities can be reduced and inclusive health outcomes can be fostered across various groups via the efforts of these initiatives, which aim to address the fundamental causes of poor health and promote equal access to resources and information .
Name : Komail wasel alamer
Name : Murtadha Abdulkarim ALrushaydan
Name : Khalid jawad alhaddad
Name : Qassem Habib bu sbih
Name : Muntathir khalifah alomayshi
Name : Abdullah saud alismail
Name : Abdulkareem Abdullah Abdullah alsubi
Name : Ahmed Naji AL Yousif
Name : Talal Eid Alanazi
Name : Mahdi abduallah al sultan
Name : Amnah ibrahim alrasheed
Anesthetic drugs and their effects on fetuses
Anesthesia, which is defined as a numbing of the body’s sensations and/or a numbing of consciousness, can be effectively produced by a vast array of medications. The substances in question encompass a wide range of medicinal uses, from analgesics and sedatives (such as barbiturates and benzodiazepines) to anticonvulsants and skeletal muscle relaxants, as well as the more traditional drugs used for anesthesia (both general and local). All of these substances deliver their anesthetic effects by blocking the conduction of sensory neurons and, in some cases, motor neurons. The exact ways by which they do this are still up for debate. These days, many of these medications are standard operating procedure for helping patients through various medical and surgical operations. The drugs commonly referred to as “general” and “local” anesthetics will be the primary emphasis of this chapter (Maher, T. J., 2012).
Name : Majed Mansour Mansour Alharbi Speciality / Specialist-Radiological Technology
Employer/north abi-arish primary healthcare center
Name : Mohammed Ahmed Ibraheem Hakami Speciality / Specialist-Radiological Technology
Employer/Hakemat abi-arish primary healthcare center
Name : Ibraheem Ali Yahya Wasli Speciality / Radiological Technology
Employer /Abu Arish North Primary Healthcare Center
Name : Khansa Ali Ahmed Daghriri Speciality / Dental assistant
Employer / Al – ahad general hospita
Name : Hussain Yahya abdu safhi Speciality / Dental assistant
Employer/ ahead al masareha hospital
Name : Ahmad Saleh Hothan Hothan Speciality / Dental Assistant
Employer/ Abu Arish North Health Care Center
Name : Mofareh Mohssan Zakan Speciality / Dental Assistant
Employer/ Abu Arish North Health Care Center
Name : Ghusun Ali Jaber Hakami Speciality / Radiological Technology
Employer /Abu Arish North Health Center
Name : Alaa Othman Ahmed Masmali Speciality / Radiologic Technologist
Employer / Almuzaylef General Hospital Al-Qunfudah
Name : Bayan AbdulRhman Busais Alsufyani Speciality / Radiologic Technologist
Employer /Almuzaylef General Hospital Al-Qunfudah
Name : Ershad Hussein Ali Alnemi Speciality / Dental Assistant
Employer / Jazan Regional Health Command Center
Recent developments in the use of AI in the dental field
A machine-processed simulation of the intelligence demonstrated by animals and humans constitutes artificial intelligence (AI). AI comprises machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, robotics, and additional subfields. An array of algorithms and applications are associated with each category, yielding distinct outcomes. AI is capable of performing tasks with greater precision and accuracy than humans with the appropriate training. Early AI implementations in the healthcare industry date back to the 1950s. The initial artificial intelligence (AI) medical systems were established during the 1950s, when a computer program known as the “MIT Programmed Autoanalyzer” was developed by researchers at Technicon Corporation, led by Jack Whitehead, for the purpose of analyzing blood and urine samples (Skeggs & Hochstrasser, 1964).
Raid Mubarak Alotaibi
Improving communication skills among doctors working in the field of family care
Name / Ali Hassan Abdullah Ageel Employer / Eradah and mental health in jazan
Speciality / Technician Laborator
Name / Mona ali otayf Employer / Alhasamah Primary Health Care center
Speciality / Nursing specialist
Name / Salma Sanad ALgariny Employer / Samtah General hospital
Speciality / Nursing technician
Name / Shaima nasser yahya moafa Employer / buthan Health Center
Speciality / laboratories and medical technology
Name / Sabah Ali Abdullah Harby Employer / Abu Arish North Health Care Center
Speciality / Nursing technician
Name / Amani mohammed ali arishi Employer / Samtah general hospital
Speciality / Specialist-Laboratory
Name / Afrah Ali Sahli Employer / Samta General Hospital
Speciality / Laboratory and medical technology
Name / Reem Mohammed shaabi Employer / Samtah general hospital
Speciality / Specialist-Laboratory
Name / AQDAR ESSA HAMDI Employer / Prince Mohammed bin Nasser Hospital.
Speciality / Nursing specialist
Name / Mohammed Abdu Hindi Hindi Employer / ALMabouj Primary Health Care
Speciality / Laboratory technician
Name / Somiah Hassan Abdullah Ageel Employer / Primary care center in Maabouj
Speciality / nursing
Name / Maymounah Ageel mohammed Ageel Employer / Primary care center in Maabouj
Speciality / senior registrar family medicine
The Role of Nursing, Medical Secretaries and Clinical Laboratories in Improving Patient Experience and Treatment Outcomes
In the field of healthcare, providing high-quality patient care depends not only on the skills of medical experts but also on the cooperative contributions of several essential roles within the healthcare system. Within this set of tasks, nurses, medical secretaries, and clinical laboratories have crucial functions in guaranteeing that patients receive the best possible care, have positive interactions, and attain favorable treatment results.
Nurses, being essential figures in the field of healthcare, have a crucial responsibility in delivering and organizing care, preventing negative incidents, and maximizing the efficiency of health services and patient results (Aiken et al., 2014). Nurses have a duty to ensure healthcare quality that goes beyond providing safe care based on the best evidence and clinical standards. They also play a role in participating in the larger organizational and system structures that promote quality and safety (Oldland et al., 2020). Nurses are obligated to assess, track, and communicate the suitability and efficacy of healthcare, thereby contributing to enhancements in healthcare quality. They have a crucial function in supporting, implementing, and assessing eHealth applications to enhance patient safety. They also contribute to the design and management of facilities, equipment, and work procedures to ensure safety.
Medical secretaries work alongside nurses and play a crucial role in maintaining administrative efficiency in hospital settings. Their precise focus on detail and exceptional organizational skills guarantee that logistical challenges do not hinder the delivery of prompt and efficient service. Medical secretaries adeptly handle tasks such as arranging appointment calendars, coordinating referrals and authorizations, and navigating the complexities of healthcare bureaucracy. Their primary goal is to ensure that patients receive the required services promptly and without any hindrance (ALTHOBAITI et al., 2023). Furthermore, their function as middlemen between patients and healthcare professionals enables effective and succinct communication, thus reducing misconceptions and promoting trust. Medical secretaries play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of medical operations, which is essential for providing great patient experiences
Name : Yousif Hammad Alshammari Radiology technologist
Name : JASEM MOHAMMAD Alonazy Radiology technologistName : Salman Ghassab almutairi Radiology technician
Name : Abdulaziz Khlef Alanazi Radiology technologist
Name : BANDAR AYED ALRUHAIMI Radiology technologist
Name : Abdulmohsen Sulaiman almutib Radiology technologist
Name : Abdulaziz sayer alotaibi Radiology technologist
“The effects of the proliferation of AI in radiology”
Keywords : radiology, technology, medical, artificial intelligence (AI), effects, Visual assessments .
Speciality / Health Informatics
Name / AMANI EBRAHIM MOHAMED SULTAN Employer / Jazan Regional Health Command Center
Speciality / Medical Secretary
Name / Emad Hussain Mohammad Alagsam Employer / Postgraduate program of family Medicine in Jazan Program in Jazan
Speciality / Resident- Medicine
Name / zohour hussain mobarki Employer / Jazan Regional Health Command Center
Speciality / health informatic
Name / safa mohammed khard Employer / Jazan Regional Health Command Center
Speciality / Medical Secretary
Name / Azzam Ali Alharbi Employer/ Jazan Regional Health Command Center
Speciality / Health Informatics Specialist
Name / Gasem Jaber Mohammed Alhamzi Employer / Jazan Regional Health Command Center
Speciality / Health Informatics
Name / SOAAD ABDULLAH A ALHMOOD Employer / King Fahad Central Hospital
Speciality / Medical Secretary
Name / Saher Abdu Mohammed Alshafie Employer / Jazan Regional Health Command Center
Speciality / helth informtics
Name / Mohammed Abdu M Alshafyie Employer / Diriyah hospital
Speciality / consultant-pediatric emergency
Name / Nujud Zain Al Hadi Employer / Jazan Regional Health Command Center
Speciality / Medical Secretary
Name / Marwah Hamad Sulaiman Bajafar Employer /Statistics and Information Department of Health Affairs in Jazan Region
Speciality / Medical Secretary
Technology-Driven Innovations in Pediatric Medicine “
Rare or long-term health issues impact millions of kids and teens. Improving both the short- and long-term health outcomes for people with health issues, reducing the strain on health services, and preventing adult-onset disease and its sequelae are all possible goals of new technology. In order to meet the unique requirements of this demographic, health technology for children must be adaptable enough to accommodate the many social, anatomical, cognitive, psychological, and physiological changes that occur during childhood. Industry continues to incorrectly believe the market size is relatively modest, and health technology development is frequently fragmented and localized, with limited possibility for dissemination and adoption, despite the growing demand for health technology from a big worldwide population. Validating and prioritizing unmet requirements, including families in the innovation process, forming successful partnerships with important stakeholders, and making use of national and international infrastructure and networks are all ways to overcome these obstacles.