الإصدار التاسع عشر
الإصدار التاسع عشر من المجلة العلمية لنشر البحوث
تم نشر الإصدار التاسع عشر من المجلة العمية لنشر البحوث في: 1-8-2023م. يحتوي الإصدار على بعض الأبحاث في مختلف التخصصات، كما أن الإصدار قد تناول العديد من المشاكل البحثية المهمه التي تشكل أهمية وفائدة كبيرة للمجتمع العلمي والمعرفي. جميع الأبحاث متاحة للتحميل والتعقيب والاستشهاد المرجعي لكافة الباحثين والأكاديميين.
الأبحاث والأوراق العلمية:
أحكام الاثبات بالوسائل الإلكترونية: دراسة مقارنة بين النظام السعودية والفقه الإسلامي
الاسم: عبدالرزاق عبدالله حسين الحازمي
الايميل: huussaamm32@hotmail.com
تناول البحث موضوع أحكام الإثبات بالوسائل الإلكترونية، وكانت الدراسة مقارنة بين النظام السعودي والفقه الإسلامي، وقد هدف البحث إلى تحقيق جملة من الأهداف، من أهمها بيان ماهية وسائل الإثبات عمومًا، ثم بيان أهمية أدلة الإثبات وخصائصها مع التطرق إلى أدلة الإثبات الحديثة كل ذلك في مبحث أول، ثم بيان أحكام الإثبات بالشهادة والإقرار في مبحث ثاني، ثم بيان أحكام الإثبات بالقرائن واليمين في مبحث ثالث، وتم اتباع المنهج الوصفي الاستقرائي المقارن لحاجة الدراسة وطبيعتها العلمية إليهما، وقد خرج الباحث بجملة من النتائج والتوصيات كان من أبرز النتائج: أن الوسائل الإلكترونية أصبحت أمرُا واقعًا مما يستدعي التعامل معها وفق مقتضيات العدالة ووفق قواعد الشريعة الإسلامية دون إفراط أو تفريط، كما انتهى البحث إلى أن أهم طرق إثبات الدعوى هي الإقرار والشهادة واليمين والقرائن، وقد أوصى الباحث بضرورة اهتمام الباحثين بموضوع البحث، والكتابة فيه حتى تنال جل ما تناوله المنظم السعودي من أحكام خاصة بوسائل الإثبات خاصة في ظل نظام الإثبات الجديد.
الكلمات المفتاحية: الإثبات – الوسائل الإلكترونية – النظام السعودي – الفقه الإسلامي.
Quality control design by Industrial Engineering
Name: Hebah AbdulAziz AlOmar AlDerbas
–Specialized trainer
-Public Authority for Applied Education and Training
-College of Technological Studies
Machine production is a staple of the manufacturing sector, and industrial engineering is a crucial subfield of manufacturing engineering. While design acts as the “soul” of future mechanical quality, its importance grows. Initial design should provide careful consideration to quality and requirement specifications. Before putting any plans or concepts into action, they should be thoroughly reviewed. In the modern day, quality control acts as a judge of the product’s design to make sure it meets standards. Analysis of industrial engineering design and quality assurance are the key topics of this research.
The Impact of Charismatic Leadership Style on Intrinsic Motivation, Performance and Job Satisfaction of the Employees
Name: Ahmed Fahad M. Alsomait
Email: Ahmedalsomait@hotmail.com
The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of charismatic leadership style on employee intrinsic motivation, performance, and job satisfaction. The study data was gathered through the administration of a questionnaire, which was completed by a sample of 100 people employed in firms located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The findings of this study demonstrate a substantial positive correlation between charismatic leadership and intrinsic motivation, as well as staff performance. The statistical significance level, (p < 0.05), indicates that the observed results are unlikely to have occurred by chance alone. Additionally, a statistically significant correlation (p < 0.05) has been observed between the charismatic leadership style and the levels of job satisfaction among employees. The findings also demonstrate that acknowledging the importance of charismatic leadership can offer organizations significant insights into implementing effective leadership techniques that enhance employee well-being and foster corporate success.
العملُ بالقَول المرجوح وتطبيقاتُه في فَتاوى الــمَجلِس الأُوروبِّي للإفتاء
الاسم: د. أم كلثوم حكوم بن يحيى أستاذ مشارك كلية الشريعة وأصول الدين جامعة الملك خالد
تناولتُ في هذا البحث شروطَ وضوابط العمل بالقولِ المرجوح، وترك الرَّاجح منه، وبيان واقِع الفَتوى في البلدان الأُوروبِّية، ومكانة الـمَجلِس الأُوروبِّي ودوره للإفتاء للــمُسلِمين في أوروبا. ويهدف هذا البحث إلى التعريف بمفهوم القول المرجوح لُغةً واصطلاحًا، وضوابطه وشروط العمل به، وإبراز الضوابط، وشروط العمل بالقول المرجوح، وبيان مدى الحاجة إلى العمل به في الإفتاء الأُوروبِّي، وتوضيح مدى التزام الـمَجلِس بضوابط الأخذ بالقول المرجوح. وتتمثَّل منهجيَّةُ البحث في المنهج الاستِقرائي؛ والذي يعتمِد على جَمْع المادة العِلمية من خلال عَرْض المذاهب الفِقهية، ومعرفة أقوال أهل العِلم حول مشروعية العمل بالقول المرجوح، ومِن ثَمَّ الاستعانة بالمنهج التحليلي؛ وذلك من أجل بيان هذه المسائل وتوضيحها، ومحاولة الكشف عن التطبيقات في فَتاوى الـمَجلِس الأُوروبِّي للإفتاء.
.الكلمات المفتاحية: العملُ، القَول المرجوح، َفتاوى، الــمَجلِس الأُوروبِّي.
The Effectiveness of Lean Management in Health Organizations by Application to King Salman Medical City
Name: Abdul Hameed Saleem Al-Tarjami – Senior Health Administration Specialist
King Salman Medical City
The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the application of lean management on the performance of employees in King Salman Medical City through the dimensions of lean management, which are (organizing the work site, continuous improvement, and standard work). The study used the descriptive approach, and the questionnaire tool was used and it was distributed to a sample of (33) employees of King Salman Medical City in Madinah. The researcher used Cronbach’s alpha method to measure the validity and reliability of the study tool, and percentages, frequencies, arithmetic mean, and relative weight were employed. The study found several results, the most important of which are: the existence of a statistically significant relationship for the effectiveness of lean management in King Salman City on the performance of workers through the three dimensions (standard work, workplace organization, continuous improvement).The effectiveness of the application of lean management through the organization of the workplace is through the interest of workers in the health institution to arrange their workplace and their files.The effectiveness of the application of lean management through continuous improvement is through the keenness of the health department to introduce the latest technological means to improve the performance of the tasks of workers.The effectiveness of applying lean management through institutional work is based on the health organization’s reliance on electronic computing in conducting and completing transactions.
Keywords: lean management – health institutions – health organizations – employee performance – King Salman Medical
The Physiological Causes in Psychiatric Patients Leading to Obesity and Malnutrition
Name: Ali Abdullah Alyousef
(Department of Clinical Nutrition, Mental Health Hospital Al-Ahsa, Minister of Health, Hofuf 13791, Saudi Arabia )
Name: Ayman Abdrabalrsool Allaw
(Department of Nutrition, Al-Shubh General Hospital Northern Border, Arar, Al-Shubah 76685, Saudi Arabia)
Name: Abdulmohsen jasem Mohamed Alrashed
Psychiatric patients frequently encounter a multifaceted interaction among physiological, psychological, and environmental elements, which can potentially make them susceptible to both obesity and malnutrition. The primary objective of this study work is to investigate the physiological factors that contribute to the co-occurrence of psychiatric disorders and physical health issues in persons. This study aims to elucidate the complex correlation between mental health and nutrition by investigating the effects of drugs, hormonal imbalances, changed metabolism, and impaired appetite regulation. Comprehending the physiological mechanisms involved can facilitate the development of focused therapies and enhanced care for this susceptible demographic
The challenges facing the educational planning in North Al Batinah schools in the Sultanate of Oman, from the point of view of its principals
Name: Noura Ali Said Ali Al sinani
This study aimed to identify the challenges facing the educational planning process in schools in North Al Batinah Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman from the point of view of their principals. The sample was selected in a simple random way, and the two researchers used the questionnaire as a tool for their study after its validity, reliability, and validity for data collection were measured. Relations with the community ranked first with the highest arithmetic average of (4.00). While in the second rank came the field of material capabilities, with a medium degree and an arithmetic mean of (30.3). and in the third rank came the field of each of the teachers and the administrative field with an average degree and with an arithmetic mean of (3.27).In the fourth ranking came the field of students with an average degree and an arithmetic mean of (3.20). These challenges and trying to reduce them and limit their negative effects. In addition, the most prominent of these recommendations is to work on providing material and moral capabilities for leaders within educational institutions strengthening the community partnership between the school administration and the local community to develop educational planning. In addition, identify competencies, capabilities, and capabilities that must be available in any educational institution, and interest in educational planning in particular in light of the current crises and circumstances, because it directly and continuously affects education, as well as interest in conducting many other types of research in this field.
Keywords: challenges, educational planning, School Principal.
Enhancing Manufacturing Efficiency through Industrial Engineering
Name: Maather AlMershed
Production and Industrial Engineering spans a large swath of time in the development of technology and engineering. Whether you’re in the manufacturing or service industries, staying competitive today requires ongoing innovation. Output waste, encompassing factors such as insufficient output volume relative to the intended target, arises as a consequence of industry-related downtime and delays. The implementation of a Lean manufacturing approach has the potential to mitigate production waste such as the one described. The industrial setting of the study is represented by the Metals and Alloys sector. The research findings indicate that delay time emerged as the predominant cause of production waste. In order to mitigate manufacturing waste, a more effective maintenance program is being formulated. Current manufacturing cycle efficiency is at 66.08%, while future manufacturing cycle efficiency is expected to be around 71.3%. This means that the suggested improvement plan has the potential to boost manufacturing cycle efficiency by 3.22 percentage points.
Industrial Engineering and Metrology in Kuwait: knowledge gaps and practical applications
Name: Muneera Rasheed AlHamad
Email: r.alhamad@paaet.edu.kw
Metrology is a necessary component of the scientific method and manufacturing. It provides the means to accurately measure and assess quality-related parameters, ensure compliance with standards, and facilitate process control and improvement. By utilizing metrology principles and techniques, engineers can achieve and maintain high levels of quality in engineering processes and products. The College of Technological Studies (CTS) at the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET) in Kuwait provides a course in metrology and measurement. The graduates of this program service many sectors in Kuwait and are an integral part of the workforce. This paper outlines the importance of the metrology program at PAAET, the current knowledge gap, and how modification to the curriculum will better equip and prepare graduates to enter the workforce.
Keywords : metrology; manufacturing engineering; virtual laboratories; Kuwait; PAAET; public authority for applied education and training; CTS; college of technological studies; curriculum; GSO; GCC standardization organization; ISO; international organization for standardization; computerization methods.
فني تمريض
فني صيدله
Name : Bader sanad alharbi
فني مختبر
Name : Abdulelah Eid ALmutairi
فني تمريض
Name : Afarah Mbkot AL seri
فني تمريض
Name : Mona Mejeb Alotaibi
فنية معلوماتية صحيه
Nursing Staff Communication Abilities and Their Impact on Patient Outcomes
The fundamental right of every patient is to have a positive experience with the hospital’s services. Because of its significance as a measure of healthcare quality, patient satisfaction has been the subject of numerous initiatives in recent years. Despite the importance of this issue , most hospital managers unknowingly pay little attention to improving patient satisfaction . This is despite the fact that increasing patient satisfaction decreases the risk of malpractice lawsuits , increases profitability in the competitive market , increases patient involvement in their own treatment, and improves their health condition (Riley,2015)
Name : Mustafa Abdullah Bu Surur
Name : Khaled Ibrahim Al Salem
Name : Ali Hussain Almatrook
Electronic healthcare records (EHRs) have revolutionized the way patient information is stored and shared among healthcare professionals. This study aims to explore the impact of EHRs on clinical burdens related to collaborations among healthcare professionals. By investigating the challenges and benefits associated with EHR implementation , this research seeks to provide insights into how EHRs can improve interprofessional communication and coordination in healthcare settings .
This research article explores the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics , focusing on drug discovery and development. The increasing use of AI in healthcare, from early drug discovery to real-world data mining , is explored. AI applications range from predicting drug interaction to tailoring treatments based on individual patient characteristics . It emphasizes AI’s impact on streamlining the drug discovery process , reducing costs , and expediting clinical trials. Innovative applications include repurposing existing drugs , identifying synergistic combinations , and personalized medicine triumphs . Despite challenges like data quality and regulatory concerns , AI offers substantial cost savings and promises a future with diverse treatment options , revolutionizing drug development.
Name : Saud Zaid Al-Maadi (Physiotherapist)
Name : Abdul Hamid Nasser Al-Hamid (Physiotherapist)
Name : Ibrahim Eid Al-Mutairi (laboratory specialist)
Name : Sultan Omar Al-Sabil (Nutritionist)
Name : Adel Saleh Al-Sayegh (Physical Therapy Technician)
Effectiveness of physical therapy on patients with chronic low back pain.
The objective of this study is to examine the impact of physical therapy techniques on both pain levels and functional abilities in individuals suffering from non-specific low back pain . Study participants and research procedures : This randomized-controlled study included a total of 104 patients (38 men , 66 females) between February 2011 and August 2013. The patients had non-specific chronic low back pain for more than 12 weeks without any neurological deficiency . The mean age of the patients was 49.3±12.5 years , with a range of 34 to 62 years. The participants were categorized into two cohorts : the physical treatment cohort (n=52) and the control cohort (n=52) . Both groups received exercise and medicinal intervention , with the physical therapy group additionally receiving physiotherapy techniques. Prior to treatment and at two weeks , three months , and one year post-treatment , the patients underwent evaluation using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) , Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) , and Istanbul Low Back Pain Disability Index (ILBP) . Outcome : A grand total of 100 patients successfully concluded the one-year monitoring period . Both groups showed significant improvement in VAS, ODI, and ILBP following therapy (p<0.01) compared to their initial values . Statistically significant differences in the VAS , ODI , and ILBP scores were seen at three months and one year following treatment between the physical therapy group and control group (p<0.05) . Conclusion: To achieve lasting improvement in pain and functional status for non-specific chronic low back pain , it is recommended to incorporate multidisciplinary treatments , such as physical therapy .
الإسم : حمود عبدالمحسن المقاطي ( اخصائي صيدلة )
الإسم : فهد زيد البقمي ( فني صيدلة )
Utilizing Pharmacist Expertise in Enhancing Emergency Response and Disaster Relief Efforts
A disaster is a catastrophic occurrence that has the potential to interrupt the regular course of life. The primary objective of disaster management is to attain efficient restoration by promptly responding to hazards and preventing losses (Al-Jazairi, 2018). Health care facilities that have a team of specialists in several fields, including pharmacists, are crucial for effective disaster management. The occurrence of diseases and disruptions in patient care can result in more severe and disastrous outcomes during a crisis. Although pharmacists can serve as readily available healthcare providers during community disasters, they are typically only recognized for their role in managing the supply chain and dispensing medications and related items. Pharmacists have a crucial role in all aspects of disaster management, from clinical to managerial. They are involved in creating strategies to prevent hazards before a disaster occurs, developing response plans during the disaster, and providing care for patients (Saghir et al.,2020). This care includes not only timely administration and distribution of medications, but also counseling and ensuring that patients continue their therapy after the disaster
“Wearable Sensor: A review of the future non-invasive technology for continuous oxygen saturation and heart rate monitoring”
Name :Hattan Khaled Ballaji
Email: hkballaji@uqu.edu.sa
Affiliation: Computer Engineering Department, College of Computers and Information System, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah 24381, Saudi Arabia
Heart rate at rest and exercise may predict cardiovascular risk. Heart rate variability is a measure of the difference in time between each heartbeat represents the balance between the parasympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and may predict adverse cardiovascular events. Textile-based systems are an attractive wearable technology opportunity because they can provide monitoring of key physiological parameters in a comfortable and unobtrusive format. A new system based on multichannel optical fiber sensor probes embedded in a tissue envelope is described. The system measures the photosynthetic photogram (PPG) at two wavelengths (660 and 830 nm), which is then used to calculate oxygen saturation (SpO2). With advances in technology and increased commercial interest, the range of telehealth monitoring systems has expanded. In this paper, we present a review of future non-invasive technology of continuous oxygen saturation and heart rate monitoring, wearable devices, pros and cons focusing on accuracy, ease of use of commercial and medical diagnostic devices, which have shown promising results in terms of reliability and value. The integration of AI and cloud-based remote monitoring has evolved to facilitate timely data processing, improve patient comfort and ensure data security. In order to achieve a reliable measurement without adjusting the position of the garment, four plastic optical fiber (POF) probes are used to increase the probability of obtaining a high-quality PPG due to the positioning of at least one of the probes over a blood vessel. Each probe transmits and receives light into the skin to measure PPG and SpO2. This multi-channel sensor has the potential to realize reliable, unobtrusive and convenient textile-based monitoring of both heart rate and SpO2during daily life.
Keywords: wearable technology, wearable sensor, heart rate, heart rate monitoring, textile; plastic optical fiber, oxygen saturation.