الإصدار الثالث
الإصدار الثالث من المجلة العلمية لنشر البحوث
تم نشر الإصدار الأول من المجلة العميةلنشر البحوث في: 5-2 -2022م. يحتوي الإصدار على بعض الأبحاث في مختلف التخصصات، كما أن الإصدار قد تناول العديد من المشاكل البحثية المهمه التي تشكل أهمية وفائدة كبيرة للمجتمع العلمي والمعرفي. جميع الأبحاث متاحة للتحميل والتعقيب والاستشهاد المرجعي لكافة الباحثين والأكاديميين.
الأبحاث والأوراق العلمية:
“الرقابة الإدارية وأثرها على أداء الموارد البشرية في مؤسسة محمد بن راشد لتنمية المشاريع”
الاسم: جاسم محمد محمد السويدى
تعد الرقابة من أهم مجالات البحث العلمي في العصر الحالي وذلك لما لها من أهمية كبرى على مستوى المنظمات في مختلف مجالاتها الحكومية والأهلية وغيرها. وتشير الدراسات والإثباتات إلى أهمية الرقابة الإدارية في تحسين الأداء في الموارد البشرية لأن هناك نتيجة في الدراسات والأبحاث التي تقارن العلاقة بين الرقابة والإدارة، وهدفت هذه الدراسة إلى البحث في الرقابة الإدارية ودورها في تحسين أداء الموظفين في الموارد البشرية، وتوعية الموظفين بأهميتها في تحسين الأداء. وقد عمد الباحث إلى استخدام المنهج الوصفي لتناسبه وموضوع الدراسة، ومن خلال المنهج قام الباحث بدراسة الرقابة الإدارية، تعريفها، ودورها، وخصائصها، وأنواعها، وأهميتها في المنظمة، وبالتالي توصلت الدراسة إلى أن الرقابة الإدارية لها دور هام في تحسين أداء الموظفين في الموارد البشرية وتطوير قدراتهم، وتحسين إنتاجيتهم، وكذلك وجدت الدراسة أن الرقابة الإدارية تعمل على ضبط الأعمال، وتوجيه القدرات، وتعزيز دور العاملين في الموارد البشرية في إنجاح أهداف المنظمة، يمكن تحسين الأداء من خلال تنفيذ برامج رقابية ذات فعالية وموجهة في سبيل تعزيز الأداء لدى الموظفين في الموارد البشرية داخل المنظمة.
البدهيات وعلاقتها بالأدلة النقلية عند الأصوليين
الاسم:صالح بن صلاح بن سلامة البلوي
واقع التعليم عن بعد وأثره على التحصيل الدراسي للطلبة في محافظة عفيف من وجهة نظر المعلمين والمعلمات
التعليم عن بعد أحد أهم استراتيجيات التعليم الحديث والقائمة استخدام الوسائل الإلكترونية لإبقاء الطالب على اتصال مع المعلمين والوصول إلى المواد التعليمية وقد بدأ استخدامها في المؤسسات التربوية العالمية في القرن التاسع عشر وكانت تُعرف بالتعليم بالمراسلة آنذاك. وقد هدفت هذه الدراسة الي التعرف على واقع التعليم عن بعد في مدارس محافظة عفيف من وجهة نظر المعلمين والمعلمات والتعرف على أثر التعليم عن بعد على التحصيل الدراسي للطلبة في مدارس المحافظة من وجهة نظر المعلمين والمعلمات. وقد تم استخدام الوصفي التحليلي، نظراً لملائمة هذا المنهج لهذا النوع من الدراسات. وتوصلت نتائج الدراسة الي أن واقع التعليم عن بُعد بمدارس محافظة عفيف جاء بدرجة عالية، وذلك يتمثل في موافقة أفراد الدراس على كل من (أن التعلم عن بُعد هو البديل الأفضل في ظل الظروف الحالية، وكذلك شعورهم بالرضا عن أدائهم في منصة مدرستي، إضافة إلى أن استخدامهم لمنصة مدرستي كان سهلاً وغير معقد).
تهدف الدراسة الى إلقاء القضاء الضوء على أهم الوسائل التي يمكن للقضاء أن يقي من الجريمة قبل وقوعها ولقد قسم البحث الى مبحثين، حيث ناقش الباحث في المبحث الأول مفهوم القضاء والجريمة ومفهوم الوقاية من الجريمة وثم ناقش في المبحث الثاني وسائل القضاء في الوقاية من الجريمة، وأتبع الباحث المنهج الاستقرائي التحليلي.
العوامل المؤثرة للعودة للجريمة
الاسم: مهند بن عبدالله بن عساف العواجين
تهدف الدراسة الى بيان المقصود بالعود وبالجريمة وبيان العوامل البيولوجية المؤثرة في العودة للجريمة. و بيان العوامل النفسية والعقلية المؤثرة في العودة للجريمة وبيان العوامل المتعلقة بنوع العقوبة والمؤثرة في العودة للجريمة من خلال تقسيم الدراسة الى خمس مباحث لمناقشة ماهية العود والجريمة في المبحث الأول والعوامل البيولوجية المؤثرة في العودة للجريمة في المبحث الثاني ،وبيان العوامل النفسية والعقلية المؤثرة في الجريمة في المبحث الثالث، وبيان العوامل الاجتماعية والبيئية المؤثرة في الجريمة في المبحث الرابع ،وبيان العوامل المتعلقة بنوع العقوبة والمؤثرة في الجريمة ولقد أتبع الباحث المنهج الاستقرائي الوصفي وهو المنهج الذي ينتقل فيه الاستنتاج من الكل إلى الجزء، ويبدأ الاستقراء من القواعد الكلية والمنهج الوصفي لأجل شرح وتوضيح العوامل التي تؤثر في العودة للجريمة، فضلاً أن هذا المنهج يساعدنا على الإجابة على كل أسئلة الدراسة وبصفة خاصة السؤال الرئيسي للدراسة وتوصلت الدراسة الى أن العقوبة ليس هدفها فقط الإيلام وإنما هدفها الاصلاح والتقويم وأن السجن ليس هو الحل الوحيد للحد من الرجوع للجريمة وإنما قد يكون دافعاً للعودة للجريمة وأن العوامل الوراثية ليست دائماً سبباً في تكوين شخصية المجرمون عوامل العودة للجريمة عديدة ومتنوعة وليست محصورة كما أن للبيئة التي يعيش فيها الانسان هي أكبر العوامل المؤثرة في العودة للجريمة وذلك لمخالطته بأشخاص آخرين قد يؤثرون عليه للعودة للجريمة.
الطلبات العارضة في نظام المرافعات الشرعية السعودي
الاسم: مهند بن عبدالله بن عساف العواجين
مهمة القضاء هو الفصل بن المتنازعين والعمل على إرجاه الحقوق وإيصالها لأهلها ولقد قامت المملكة العربية السعودية منذ إنشائها على تنظيم القضاء ووضع القوانين والأنظمة التي تنظم القضاء وإجراءاته ولهذا أصدرت نظام المرافعات الشرعي السعودي الصادر بالمرسوم الملكي رقم (م/1 ) بتاريخ 22/1/1435 هجرياً ، والذى بصدوره نظمت العديد من إجراءات إقامة الدعوى وإبلاغها والمرافعات وسير الجلسات وأنه خلال المرافعة يجوز للمدعى تقديم الطلبات العارضة ولهذا تهدف الدراسة الى معرفة مفهوم الطلبات العارضة و بيان أقسام الطلبات العارضة و بيان قواعد وإجراءات تقديم الطلبات العارضة و تحديد الآثار المترتبة على تقديم الطلبات العارضة، ولقد اختارت الدراسي المنهج الوصفي التحليلي لتحليل المواد القانونية لنظام المرافعات الشرعي السعودي وقسمت الدراسة الى ثلاث مباحث مختلفة.
جائحة فيروس كورونا المستجد كوفيد-19 وآثارها على واقع أداء الموارد البشرية في وزارة التعليم بالمملكة العربية السعودية من وجهة نظر العاملين بها
يتحدث هذا البحث عن إدارة الموارد البشرية ومفهومها ووظائفها، وآثار كوفيد-19 -التي اجتاحت العالم وأثرت في أوجه الحياة كافة ومن بينها التعليم، وطالت الموارد البشرية في القطاع التعليمي-على واقع أداء الموارد البشرية في وزارة التعليم بالمملكة العربية السعودية من وجهة نظر العاملين بها. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى بيان أبرز الدروس المستفادة من تجربة التعليم وموارده البشرية في ظل الجائحة. وقد استجاب لتساؤلات الاستبانة المعدة لهذا البحث (2761) مستجيباً من العاملين في وزارة التعليم من معلمين وإداريين، أدلوا بآرائهم حول التساؤلات البالغة اثنين وثلاثين تساؤلاً في استبانة هذا البحث.
وبينت نتائج هذا البحث الأثر الكبير لهذه الجائحة العالمية على التعليم والعاملين فيه في وزارة التعليم بالمملكة العربية السعودية، والدور الفعال الذي قامت به الجهات المعنية في المملكة تجاه مقاومة هذا الوباء وتحجيم آثاره وأخطاره، والإجراءات التي تم اتخاذها من تحويل التعليم الحضوري ليكون عن بعد باستخدام منصة التعليم التي أبدت نجاحاً كبيرا في استمرار التعليم والتخفيف من آثار الجائحة. وقد أوصى هذا البحث بدراسة النجاح الكبير الذي حققته المملكة في التعامل مع هذه الجائحة في جميع الجوانب الصحية والتعليمية وغيرها، ودراسة الصعوبات التي لاقاها التعليم عن بعد فيما يخص حضور الطلاب وطريقة تقييم أدائهم، وكذلك دراسة آثارها على التعليم العالي، وعلى الموارد البشرية في القطاعات الأخرى.
الكلمات المفتاحية:
الموارد البشرية، كوفيد-19، وزارة التعليم في السعودية، التعليم عن بعد
“A review of microbial antibiotics extracted from marine fungi”
هدى سعود الجودي – فنى مختبر-جامعة الطائف
Because of the rising incidence of infectious diseases and the resulting rise in multidrug resistance among human pathogenic bacteria, there is an urgent need to find and develop new antimicrobial medicines with new mechanisms of action. Most of the antibiotics currently on the market were either produced from terrestrial organisms or semi synthetically from fermentation products. Antibiotic lead structures may be discovered through the isolation of microbes from hitherto unknown environments. As a result of their adaption to this severe environment, deep-sea microbes have the potential to develop new and potent secondary metabolites with powerful biological activity. This review focuses on new antibiotics derived from deep-sea microbes. Compounds are broken down into chemical classifications, bioactivities, and sources. They also discuss new developments in deep-sea microorganism extraction methods and strategies.
antibiotics; deep-sea; marine microorganisms; extreme habitat; marine sediments biodiscovery; marine bacteria; marine fungi; marine natural products.
“A review of Algae and marine fungi collaborate to form photosynthetic mycelium”
Land plants and lichens are thought to have arisen as a result of widespread mutualistic interactions between free-living algae and fungi. The algal cells are always outside of the fungal cells in known algal-fungal mutualisms, including lichens. Here, we describe an algal–fungal interaction in which Mortierella elongate hyphae contain Nannochloropsis oceanica algal cells. Physical contact and nutrient exchange between the fungal and algal cells are the first steps in this apparent symbiosis, as demonstrated by isotope tracer experiments. Photosynthetic algal cells are eventually internalized by fungi after months of co-cultivation, suggesting that this mutualism is long-lasting because both partners remain physiologically active throughout the time of co-cultivation. The genomes and molecular toolkits of Nannochloropsis and Mortierella are readily available, making them important biotechnological species for the production of lipids and biofuels. There are unique opportunities for studying mutualisms between fungi and algae, as well as mechanisms that lead to endosymbiont formation.
Algae – marine fungi – photosynthetic mycelium.
“Incubation of Antarctic macroalgae-growing fungus with the goal of obtaining agarolytic and carrageenolytic activity”
Microbial communities seem to predominate in Antarctica, one of the planet’s most pristine places. Fungi are prevalent in Antarctica’s terrestrial ecosystems and may thrive in even the harshest conditions. Fungal species from the phyla Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Zygomycota, Chytridiomycota, and Glomeromycota have been found in Antarctica’s microbial communities, as have others. Mycological research in Antarctica has recently concentrated on marine-associated fungi. There is still a lot to learn about the mycological richness and potential biotechnological applications of the austral ocean. Extremophile microbial communities predominate in a variety of Antarctica’s pristine settings. Microorganisms from Antarctica can be attractive sources of bioproducts with potential commercial applications, despite their ecological relevance. Seven distinct macroalgal species from maritime Antarctica were studied for their agarolytic and carrageenolytic capabilities in this study. 44 fungal isolates were recovered and identified by biological molecular methods as belonging to the genera Antarctomyces, Beauveria, Cladosporium, Coprinellus, Doratomyces, Leucosporidiella, Metschnikowia, Penicillium, and Pseudogymnoascus after a selective isolation process. The fungus with the greatest potential for agarolytic and carrageenolytic activity were protected by Rhodophyta macroalgae. Agarolytic and carrageenolytic activities were demonstrated by Penicillium chrysogenum, Penicillium sp., and Cladosporium sp. 2 concurrently. According to our findings, the Antarctic macroalgae harbor saprobe fungus, which produce enzymes that can destroy algal biomass and release vital nutrients into the Antarctic Ocean’s water supply. If further commercial techniques are needed to extract agar and carrageenan, or their derivatives, from Antarctic fungi, they could be beneficial.
Marine macroalgae- algal biomass – enzymes – commercial applications – fungus – agar and carrageenan
‘’Design Balanced Scorecard for Maintenance Department in King Abd-ulziz Airport Hajj Terminals’’
Name: Mohammed Nizar Salem
Since Kaplan and Norton introduced the Balanced scorecard (BSC) it had the attention of the whole world. This research aims to measure the effect of maintenance practices and activities on King Abd-AlAziz airport – Hajj Terminal operation process. Recently, the role of maintenance doesn’t end at repairing or fixing a machine or system, the maintenance these days playing an important strategic role in achieving business goals. This can be in terms of money (Financial), Process performance (Internal Perspective) Agents satisfaction (Customer Perspective), and Organizational capacity (Learning & Growth Perspective).
The Hajj terminal maintenance department aims to reach the maximum efficiency in terms of clients’ satisfactions, staff performance developments, cost reduction, and quality assurance. This research is trying to help the Hajj Terminal maintenance department ensure efficiency of processes and systems by improving KPIs to measure the effect of maintenance activities on its current operation processes.
The value of Balanced Scorecard is the main driver of getting the desired results that helps in exploring the effect of maintenance on terminal’s operations. The study creates a Balanced Scorecard to measure the performance of general maintenance practices, and establish KPIs to measure the department performance in all four parts of the Balanced Scorecard from row data.
Balanced Scorecard, Maintenance Department, Airport, Hajj Terminals, Quality.
Screw Loosening among Different Angles of Dynamic Abutments
Purpose: The purpose of this in-vitro study was to evaluate and compare the removal torque values of dynamic abutment and multi-unit abutment. Specifically, 17-degrees angulated abutment and straight abutment of each type. Problem: Components have been introduced that enable an implant crown’s screw channel to be inclined lingually and the screws to be tightened in a non-axial orientation relative to the implant. There is a dearth of information on how the removal torque value (RTV) compares to that of ordinary screws. Method: A total of eight internal hexagonal implant fixtures and abutment will be used in the study. Group A, B will be straight and angulated multi-unit abutment. Group C, D will be straight and angulated dynamic abutment. Removal torque value well be assessed twice. The difference between baseline and removal torque will be measured. Results: RTVs were not significantly different between the groups. No screw fracture was seen. Conclusion: Angulation of the abutments had no significant influence on the RTV.
Abutment, Removal Torque Value, Screw Loosening, Dental Implant, Angle.
Enhanced Signature-based Mechanism using User Verification Policy
The degree of practicing transformational leadership among Heads of Academic departments in official universities from the point of view of the staff: Comparative Study Between Egypt and Jordan
The study sought to ascertain the amount of transformational leadership practised by heads of academic departments at Cairo University and Jordan University, as well as its link with the level of functional performance as perceived by faculty members. The researcher employed a questionnaire to collect data from a sample of 171 faculty members in the study population, using the descriptive correlational technique. The findings demonstrated that the level of transformational leadership practised by the aforementioned heads of academic departments was modest in the tool as a whole and across all subjects. According to the findings of the study, faculty members have a high degree of functional performance. The findings revealed that there were no statistically significant variations in the research sample’s answers owing to the variables: (gender and academic rank), whether in the degree of practising transformational leadership or in the level of functional performance. In light of the findings, the study recommended that academic department heads be provided with professional development opportunities to enhance their administrative competencies, particularly transformational leadership, and that faculty members be provided with professional development opportunities to develop their technical and administrative competencies in general.
Transformational Leadership, Functional Performance, governmental Universities, Heads of Academic Departments
Clinical Applications of Pharmacology
Name: Mohamed Difullh ALthobete&Majed Essa ALharbi
The study of how medications interact with living things is known as pharmacology. It also covers the drug’s background, source, dosage forms, administration strategies, physicochemical properties, absorption, distribution mechanism of action, biotransformation, excretion, clinical applications, and side effects. Clinical pharmacology is a type of clinical trial that analyses the drug’s preferred mode of administration and safe dosage range in people. From preclinical to clinical studies, drug development is a lengthy and complex process. Saudi Arabia (KSA) is becoming more interested in promoting innovation, research, and indigenous content, including clinical trials. There are now about 650 registered clinical trials in Saudi Arabia, with the number expected to grow. The safe and effective use of medications is an important element of drug development and clinical studies. Clinical pharmacology is important for making informed decisions during the drug development process since it focuses on the effects of drugs in humans. Clinical pharmacology encompasses pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacogenomics.
Name : Alhaidain kumail ali
Name : Fuad Ahmed Alothman
Name : Abdullah Salem Said Aldossari
Name : AlRashed Khowther Ahmed m
Name : Hassan Abdulwahab Alaithan
“The impact of using robots in surgical operations”
Despite general surgeons being largely responsible for laparoscopic surgical advancements , robotics utilization in general surgery is shockingly low. Foregut , biliary , bariatric , colorectal , and endocrine surgeries are the most popular robotic-assisted operation areas . There is no significant difference in the results between laparoscopic and robotic Nissen fundoplication in foregut surgeries . assisted by robots Research on Heller moto-me for achalasia has similarly shown minimal perforation rates . Several writers have raised the possibility of robotic surgery for more complex patients ; nevertheless , additional research is required before any definitive conclusions can be made . Robotically applying gastric banding during bariatric surgery has not proven as effective as laparoscopy . On the other hand, for more intricate bariatric treatments involving intracorporeal suturing , some have proposed that robotic surgery could enhance results. General surgeons’ reluctance to fully adopt this new technology may have sprung from a combination of factors . The utilization of intricate robotics appears to be unnecessary for straightforward tasks. The robot’s capabilities are severely hampered during more complicated procedures , especially those requiring it to traverse across many quadrants . It is also difficult to implement because there is no tool for stapling , sealing , and cutting the bowel , though this could be fixed in the future .
Name : Ahlam Mufleh Alrashedi General nursing
Email : ahlam134689@gmail.com
Name : Turki Abdullah Aldahayan Nursing
Email : taldahayan@moh.gov.sa
Name : Eman Ali Alahmari Nursing
Email : Ealahmary@moh.gov.sa
Name : Mohammad khalaf alanazi NURSING ASSISTANT
Email : Malanazi122@moh.gov.sa
Name : Hanan Ali Hussein Hakami Nursing Specialist
Email : haalhakami@moh.gov.sa
Name : Wazirah Mnef ALharbi Nursing
Email : Waz.harbi@gmail.com
Name : Jamela Muhammad Alshehri Narsing technical
Email : jojoalshehri2015@gmail.com
Improving Patient Outcomes through Remote Monitoring and Telehealth in Nursing Care
In the contemporary healthcare landscape, the nursing paradigm necessitates a holistic approach to care delivery, integrating bio-psycho-socio-spiritual aspects of patients’ well-being. As agents of change, nurses are pivotal in leveraging technology to enhance patient outcomes, particularly through remote monitoring and telehealth services. This paper explores the challenges, considerations, and benefits of improving patient outcomes through remote monitoring and telehealth in nursing care. Despite technological barriers, privacy concerns, and workflow integration challenges, remote monitoring and telehealth offer early detection and intervention, enhanced chronic disease management, increased access to care, improved patient engagement, reduced healthcare utilization, and continuity of care. Regulatory frameworks and policy considerations are crucial to ensure the safe and effective delivery of remote monitoring and telehealth services. By addressing these challenges and considerations, nurses can maximize the potential of technology to deliver high-quality, patient-centered care and improve health outcomes .
Name : Abdulhakim Abdullah Aldakheel pharmacy Technician
Email : hakomee@gmail.com
Name : Mohammed Khalaf Alghamdi pharmacy Technician
Email : ghjyurfl83@gmail.com
Name : Faisal Ahmad Alzahrani pharmacy Technician
Email : falzahrani.1984@gmail.com
Name : Ahmed Abdullah Alsharif Pharmacist
Email : ph.alsharif@gmail.com
Name : Abdulrhman Ahmed Asiri pharmacy Technician
Email : aasiri12023@gmail.com
Name : Mohammed Saad Alghamdi pharmacy Technician
Email : moh.pha1@gmail.com
Name : Mansour Saleh Alshuaibi pharmacy Technician
Email : Mssshuaibi@gmail.com
Name : Hasan Yahya Al Tumaihi pharmacy Technician
Email : Abuyazedm@gmail.com
“Exploring the Potential of Herbal Medicines in Modern Pharmacotherapy”
There has been a recent uptick in curiosity about herbal remedies as a potential substitute for or adjunct to traditional pharmaceuticals. Various civilizations have long relied on herbal medicines, which are made from plant materials or extracts of plants, for their supposed medicinal properties. Factors such as a desire for more holistic approaches to treatment, cultural traditions, and the perceived naturalness of herbal therapies are driving their return in modern times.
Herbal medications consist of various botanicals, each possessing a complex combination of bioactive chemicals. The substances mentioned, such as alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, and polyphenols, possess diverse pharmacological properties and can potentially impact physiological processes in the human body. Therefore, they serve as a valuable reservoir of biologically active substances that could be utilized for medicinal applications .
Head of the Outpatient Clinics Laboratory at King Faisal Medical Complex
Email : 5931@gmail.com
Name : Noura Al-Otaibi
Name : Firdaus Sindi
Name : Ahmed Ibrahim
Name : Najat Al-Nafi’i
Role of Medical Laboratories in Disease Diagnosis and Management: A Comprehensive Overview
Medical laboratories are essential components of modern healthcare, providing crucial diagnostic and monitoring services. This article offers a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted functions of medical laboratories, emphasizing their significance in patient care and their contribution to healthcare delivery systems. It explores the different types of medical laboratories, their technologies, and their integration into the broader healthcare ecosystem. The article also addresses the challenges and advancements influencing the field of medical laboratory science, underscoring the importance of quality assurance, accreditation, and adherence to regulatory standards. By recognizing the pivotal role of medical laboratories, stakeholders can improve patient outcomes, streamline healthcare processes, and drive advancements in medical research.
Name : WAHEED FAISAl BAJANAID Ophthalmolojy consultant
Surgical treatment for cataracts and the condition of dry eye
Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful ophthalmic procedures performed worldwide, offering significant improvements in visual acuity and quality of life for millions of individuals affected by cataracts. However, despite its efficacy, cataract surgery has been increasingly recognized as a potential precipitant or exacerbator of dry eye symptoms in a subset of patients (Davis, 2016).
Dry eye disease (DED) encompasses a range of illnesses that result in instability of the tear film, increased osmolarity, persistent inflammation, and abnormalities in the nerves responsible for sensation, all of which contribute to long-term dysfunction of the surface of the eye. Preexisting dry eye disease (DED) can create difficulties after cataract surgery, particularly when there is persistent inflammation, scarring, irregular eyelids, and reduced clarity of the eye’s internal structures. Additionally, it is recognized that this condition deteriorates after cataract surgery, resulting in an increased likelihood of complications and impaired visual results. The likely cause of this is an elevation in inflammation, toxicity resulting from eye drops that contain preservatives such as benzalkonium chloride (BAK), and damage to the nerves in the cornea caused by incisions made near the limbus. In addition, phacoemulsification alone has been documented to result in a decrease in tear film breakdown time, tear meniscus height, and corneal sensitivity after the surgery (Donthineni, et al.2020) .
Name : Afrah Farhan Alanazi General practitioner
“Maternal Mental Health: Understanding and Addressing Postpartum Depression”
Maternal mental health, particularly concerning postpartum depression (PPD), is a critical aspect of women’s well-being during the perinatal period. This paper provides an overview of the various factors influencing maternal mental health and emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing PPD. Biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors all contribute to the risk of PPD and its impact on mothers, infants, and families. Biological influences include hormonal fluctuations and genetic predispositions, while psychological factors encompass stressors related to adjusting to motherhood and a history of mental health issues. Social support networks and the quality of interpersonal relationships significantly influence maternal mental health outcomes. Culturally sensitive care is crucial in addressing maternal mental health issues, recognizing diverse beliefs and practices surrounding motherhood and mental illness. Routine screening and intervention are essential for early detection and management of PPD, ensuring that women receive timely support and treatment. Integrating mental health services into routine healthcare delivery and addressing social determinants of health are key strategies for promoting maternal mental health. By adopting a holistic approach that considers the diverse needs and experiences of women, we can work towards ensuring that all mothers have the support, resources, and care they need to thrive during the perinatal period and beyond .
Name : Asiyah Abdulmonem Abdullah Al-Khalifa
Name : Mohammad Ali Ahmed Al Ibrahim
Name : Muna salman almutawah
Name : Mohammed Abdulaziz Mohammed AlRajeh
Name : Maryam Ali jawad Alsuraij
Name : Yasser joher bashir AL joher
Name : Jasim Mohammed AL Ibrahim
Name : Noha Ahmad Al odail
Name : Mariah Abdulaziz Alshabeeb
Name : Ahmed Mohammed Al-ayash
Name : Hussain Ali Abduallah Alhumoud
Name : MOHAMMED Abdullah ALHADi
Name : Norah yousef almuzayil
Name : Manal Abdullah Alhassan
Name : Abdulmajeed Abdulaziz Alrajeh
The importance of nurses in preventing hospital infections
Nurses serve as the fundamental support system of healthcare systems globally, exemplifying the core principles of empathetic treatment, specialized medical knowledge, and steadfast commitment to the welfare of patients. Beyond their clinical duties, nurses serve as staunch advocates for patient safety, tirelessly championing infection prevention measures at every stage of the care continuum. Through patient education initiatives, nurses empower individuals and families to actively participate in their own care and adhere to infection control practices. Their unwavering commitment to patient advocacy ensures that infection prevention remains a cornerstone of quality care delivery, prioritizing the well-being of those entrusted to their care. nurses are integral members of interdisciplinary teams, collaborating with physicians, infection control specialists, and other healthcare professionals to develop and implement comprehensive infection control strategies. Through effective communication and teamwork, nurses ensure the seamless coordination of care and the implementation of evidence-based practices to mitigate the risk of hospital-acquired infections (Salem, 2019).
Name : Fatimah saleem saeed Alamri Nursing technician
Name : Eida saleem saeed alamei Nursing technician
Name : Amal Mohammed Alshehri Nursing technician
Name : Amani Mubarak musharae albadour Nursing technician
Name : Wejdan Methgal Albishe Nursing technician
The Impact of Trauma-Informed Care Training on Nurses’ Ability to Provide Trauma-Sensitive Care
This study examined the impact of trauma-informed care training on nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in providing care to trauma survivors. The results indicated significant improvements in nurses’ knowledge of trauma-informed care principles, attitudes towards trauma survivors, and behaviors in clinical practice after completing the training program. These findings underscore the importance of integrating trauma-informed care training into nursing education and professional development initiatives to enhance the quality of care for individuals with trauma histories. Recommendations for promoting trauma-informed care training in nursing practice, education, and policy are discussed, emphasizing the need for collaboration between healthcare organizations, academic institutions, and policy makers to create a culture of trauma sensitivity within healthcare settings. Future research should explore the long-term effects of trauma-informed care training on nurses’ practice and patient outcomes to sustain the impact of training over time. Overall, this study contributes to the growing body of literature on trauma-informed care and highlights the transformative potential of training programs in improving healthcare providers’ ability to deliver trauma-sensitive care.
Name : Habeeb Hussain ALMousa
Name : Sami Hussain AlHanfoosh
Name : Maryam Hussain ALFadeal
Name : Emad Ayesh AlSalem
Name : Abdullah Ibrahim Al wabari
Name : Mohammed jassim bou seha
Name : Mohammed Khalid Al Romaih
Name : Abdullah Ibrahim alobud
Name : Mohammed Hassan Alkhamis
Name : Ghufran Abdualmohsen Aljumaiah
The Effect of Stress and Fatigue in the Workplace on the Performance of Nurses
In the ever-changing field of healthcare delivery, nurses are responsible for providing excellent patient care while also handling the complexities of human contact, making important decisions, and meeting the intense demands of a high-pressure atmosphere. Nevertheless, while engaged in the honorable endeavor of healing, nurses frequently encounter the unyielding burdens of stress and the incapacitating consequences of tiredness, both of which can greatly hinder their capacity to function at their best.
Among individuals who are more likely to suffer from stress and fatigue on the job, staff nurses are particularly vulnerable. Care for patients, administration of hospital departments, and other clerical and administrative duties are all within the purview of staff nurses. As a result of dealing with unhealthy working conditions, such as task overload and repeated activities, nurses are among the professions most likely to experience stress while working in a hospital setting.
Name: mohammad saad altoref
Name: Abdullah Hesham Alnaim
Name: Yazeed Abdulrahman Aljohani
Name: Murtadha saleh aleid
Name: Hassan adam almoemn
Name: Jawad Ali Aldrees
Name: Murtadha ahmed alhamdan
Name: Alaa Hussain Alhajri
Name: Zainab Ali Alkhamis
Name: Zahra Mohammed Alali
The role of nursing in treating hypoglycemia in the hospital
Introduction: there is an emergency standing order (ESO) in place for the presentation of hypoglycemia in the clinical setting. According to the policy paper, when patients present with urgent care, the ESO’s job is to direct registered nurses (RNs) to execute specific steps; delaying treatment could put the patient’s health in even greater jeopardy (Ascension St. Vincent’s, 2020). This order set is only available to adult patients. Following treatment, the registered nurse (RN) is required to alert the healthcare provider as soon as feasible. The RN will also need to obtain instructions to support the actions from the protocols while carrying out the directives from the emergency standing procedure (Ascension St. Vincent’s, 2020). Appendix A contains the whole ESO for hypoglycemia.
Name : Doaa ali soltan alkishi
Name : Abdulelah Ali Alabdulwahab
Name : Fatima Habib AlBohmoud
Name : Batool Habib Albohamood
Name : Hawra Sultan Nasser Almutib
Name : Fatimah Abdullah Hussain Alsalamin
Exploring the Impact of Compassionate Care Practices on Patient Outcomes in Critical Care Nursing
Within the dynamic field of critical care nursing, which is characterized by its strong demands and the delicate balance between life and death, the significance of compassionate care practices emerges as a beacon of humanity despite the professional rigor that is present. As patients struggle to make sense of the complexities of their diseases and navigate through moments of vulnerability and uncertainty, the work of the critical care nurse goes beyond the conventional medical skill that is typically expected of them. In point of fact, although technical expertise and prompt interventions continue to be of utmost importance, the essence of compassionate care sheds light on a road that leads to holistic healing and outcomes that are driven by the patient