الإصدار السادس
الإصدار السادس من المجلة العلمية لنشر البحوث
تم نشر الإصدار السادس من المجلة العمية لنشر البحوث في: 1-7-2022م. يحتوي الإصدار على بعض الأبحاث في مختلف التخصصات، كما أن الإصدار قد تناول العديد من المشاكل البحثية المهمه التي تشكل أهمية وفائدة كبيرة للمجتمع العلمي والمعرفي. جميع الأبحاث متاحة للتحميل والتعقيب والاستشهاد المرجعي لكافة الباحثين والأكاديميين.
الأبحاث والأوراق العلمية:
“اجْتِهَادُ الصَّحَابَةِ رَضِّيَّ اللهُ عَنْهُمْ بَعْدَ عَهِدِ الرَّسُولِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ”
الاسم: عائشة مبارك علي الضبعة الكتبي
الإيميل: Dr.Ayesha.Alktebi@outlook.com
يرومُ هذا البحث إماطة اللثام عن ظاهرة اجتهاد الصحابة بعد عهد الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم، بعد عهدالرسول _صلى الله عليه وسلم-؛ وذلك بدراسة مفهوم الاجتهاد عند الصحابة -رضي الله عنه-، وضبطه، وتبين أصوله ومعالمه وتطبيقاته. وقد استقامة دراسته من خلال جانبين: الأول: التعريف بالصحابة، وبيان عوامل اجتهادهم وطريقته ومشروعيته، الثاني: إيراد نماذج للاجتهاد عند الصحابة وبيان أنواعه وأسباب اختلافهم في بعض مسائله. ومن النتائج التي تأَدَّت إليها الدراسة: أن الاجتهاد أصل من أصول الشريعة الاسلامية، وهو أحد السمات التي تدل على صلاحيتها لكل زمان ومكان، وأن الصحابة قد أدركوا ذلك، وأن الصحابة قد اجتهدوا في حياة الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- وبعد وفاته، وأن الحاجة للاجتهاد كانت أكبر بعد وفاة الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- وانقطاع الوحي وكثرة الفتوحات الإسلامية. وحتى يستوفى الغرض من هذه الدراسة اتبعت المنهج الاستقرائي؛ وذلك بتتبع عناصر هذا الموضوع عبر الاطلاع والقراءة، وتتبع كلام الكتاب والمؤرخين، من خلال الاعتماد على كتب الأصول المعتبرة في المذاهب المختلفة وكتب الفقه المعتمدة، وكتب صحاح السنة والطبقات والتراجم وتاريخ الفقه. كما التزمت المنهج التحليلي؛ وذلك بدراسة دراسة ما كتب حول هذه الموضوع، وربط ما له علاقة بها، وتحليل كل ذلك والزيادة عليه ما أمكن.
“تطور الإطار القانوني لحوكمة الشركات في النظام السعودي دراسة مقارنة”
الأسم: د. عائض سلطان مرزوق البقمي
الإيميل: albaqmea@ipa.edu.sa
لقد ناقشت الدراسة الاطار القانوني لحوكمة الشركات في النظام السعودي وهدفت الدراسة الى بيان مفهوم حوكمة الشركات و بيان أهمية حوكة الشركات و بيان أهداف حوكمة الشركات و بيان المبادئ الخاصة بتطبيق حوكمة الشركات في المملكة العربية السعودية ومعرفة الإطار القانوني لحوكمة الشركات في المملكة العربية السعودية وتطوره، ولقد استخدمت الدراسة المنهج الاستقرائي والتحليلي والوصفي وتوصلت الدراسة الى عدة نتائج منها انها تساعد حوكمة الشركات الى تدعيم وجذب الاستثمارات و حوكمة الشركات تضمن حماية حقوق حملة الأسهم من خلال الفصل بين السلطة وملكية الإدارة و ان حوكمة الشركات تساهم في محاربة الفساد المالي والإداري ووصت الدراسة بضرورة تطبيق اليات الحوكمة الداخلية في الشركات السعودية.
الكلمات الدلالية:
– حوكمة، الشركات، المملكة، العربية، السعودية، مبادئ.
اتجاهات النخب الإعلامية والتربوية نحو إقرار مادة التربية الإعلامية في التعليم ماقبل الجامعي
دراسة ميدانية على عينة من الأكاديميين والقياديين والمهنيين السعوديين
الأسم: أ.د.محمد بن سليمان الصبيحي
الإيميل: subihi@gmail.com
سعت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على أراء الخبراء من النخب الإعلامية والتربوية في المملكة العربية السعودية نحو مدى الحاجة إلى إقرار مادة التربية الإعلامية ضمن المناهج الدراسية في التعليم العام، وقد وظفت الدراسة المنهج العلمي الكمي وفق إجراءات منهج المسح الميداني باستخدام أداة الاستبانة، على عينة بلغ عددها (176) مفردة، وانتهت الدراسة إلى جملة من النتائج من أهمها:
- أكد غالبية النخب التربوية والإعلامية عينة الدراسة بنسبة (96.6%) على ضرورة إقرار مادة التربية الإعلامية في مناهج التعليم على مستوى العملية التعليمي في المجتمع السعودي؛ يعود ذلك بالدرجة الأولى إلى تنمية الوعي الإعلامي لمواجهة تدفق المعلومات وانتشارها بمتوسط حسابي (2.77) تلاها في المرتبة الثانية مواجهة التطرف بكافة جوانبه (الفكري، والديني، والسياسي) بمتوسط حسابي (2.75) ثم الإسهام في تنقية المحتوى الإعلامي من المضامين الضارة في المرتبة الثالثة بمتوسط حسابي (2.66)، وأوضحت النتائج أن (50.6%) من النخب الإعلامية والتربوية يرون أن المرحلة الثانوية تمثل أنسب المراحل التعليمية لإقرار مادة التربية الإعلامية.
- أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن النخب الإعلامية والتربوية يرون أن تنمية الرقابة الذاتية المستمدة من مبادئ الإسلام في استخدام المحتوى الإعلامي؛ تحتل المرتبة الأولى من جملة الأهداف التي تسعى مادة التربية الإعلامية إلى تحقيقها في العملية التعليمية بمتوسط حسابي (2.76) بينما احتل هدف تنمية القدرة على كشف المصادر غير الموثوقة في إنتاج المحتوى الإعلامي المرتبة الثانية بمتوسط حسابي (2.70) أما هدف “تنمية القدرة على الاختيار الواعي للمحتوى الإعلامي” فقد جاء في المرتبة الثالثة بمتوسط حسابي (2.70)
- أشارت نتائج الدراسة فيما يتعلق برأي المبحوثين من النخب الإعلامية والتربوية حول ما ينبغي أن تسعى مادة التربية الإعلامية إلى إكسابه للطلاب على المستوى المعرفي إلى أن “التعريف بأساليب التأثير الإعلامي” يمثل أهم المعارف التي تسعى مادة التربية الإعلامية إلى إكسابها للطلاب بمتوسط حسابي (2.63)؛ وأن مهارة التفكير الناقد لمحتوى المواد الإعلامية؛ تحتل مقدمة المهارات التي تسعى مادة التربية الإعلامية إلى إكسابها للطلاب بمتوسط حسابي (2.70)، وأن “تنمية القيم الإيمانية (الإيمان بالله، التقوى، الخوف من الله، والمراقبة)” تعد أبرز القيم التي تسعى مادة التربية الإعلامية إلى تنميتها لدى الطلاب في المراحل التعليمية المختلفة بمتوسط حسابي (2.73).
الكلمات الدلالية:
التربية الإعلامية، النخب الإعلامية، النخب التربوية، التعليم ما قبل الجامعي.
الهواتف الذكية وأثرها على العلاقات الاجتماعية داخل الأسرة
هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على أثر الهواتف الذكية على العلاقات الاجتماعية داخل الأسرة. وقد استخدمت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي وأداة الاستبانة. ويتكون مجتمع الدراسة من مجموعة من الأسر بمدينة أبها. ويقدر الباحث عددهم بنحو (1256) فردا. وتم اختيار (207) من الأسر بمدينة أبها، وتم الاختيار عن طريق وضع الأسماء على جهاز الحساب الآلي والاختيار العشوائي منها. وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى نتائج هامة، منها:
يؤثر استخدام الهواتف الذكية على العلاقات الأسرية، في عدة جوانب، ومنها: غيّر الهاتف الذكي في طريقة تواصل الأبناء مع والديهم، أدى الهاتف الذكي إلى الاغتراب بين الأبناء، أثر الهاتف الذكي على القدرة على التركيز في الواجبات الاجتماعية.
ومن التوصيات التي وضعتها الدراسة الحد من وقت استخدام الأبناء للهواتف الذكية بشكل تدريجي حتى يصل الطفل إلى استعماله نصف ساعة يوميا، وإعداد جدول للنشاطات الخارجية الحركية للطفل كتعلم فنون الدفاع عن النفس أو السباحة أو كرة القدم وغيرها.
الكلمات الدلالية:
الهواتف/ الذكية / العلاقات/ الاجتماعية / الأسرة / أبها.
دور الخدمة الاجتماعية في معالجة العنف المدرسي بمرحلة التعليم الثانوي بمدينة أبها
الإيميل: Abuwaafi@hotmail.com
هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على دور الخدمة الاجتماعية في معالجة العنف المدرسي بمرحلة التعليم الثانوي بمدينة أبها. وقد استخدمت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي وأداة الاستبانة. وتكوّن مجتمع الدراسة من المرشدين الطلابيين وأولياء الأمور بالمدارس الثانوية الحكومية بمدينة أبها. ويقدّر الباحث عددهم بحوالي (430) فردا. وتم اختيار عينة الدراسة بالطريقة العشوائية، حيث تم اختيار (185) من المرشدين الطلابيين وأولياء الأمور بالمدارس الثانوية الحكومية بمدينة أبها. وتم الاختيار عن طريق وضع الأسماء في صندوق والاختيار العشوائي منها. وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى نتائج هامة، ومنها: يتمثل دور الخدمة الاجتماعية في مواجهة العنف المدرسي بمرحلة التعليم الثانوي فيما يلي: عدم زيادة عدد الطلبة في المدرسة، وتفعيل العمل في مجموعات داخل المدرسة، والمساواة في المعاملة بين الطلبة من قبل الإدارة المدرسية. ومن التوصيات التي وضعتها الدراسة تنفيذ العديد من الندوات لأولياء الأمور حول حقوق الطفل، والمشاركة في تشكيل البرلمان الطلابي كتجسيد واقعي لفكرة الديموقراطية.
الكلمات الدلالية:
دور /الخدمة/ الاجتماعية / العنف /المدرسي / الثانوي / أبها.
Taking Medication in Islam: Aqedah-based Study
Name: Dr. Suhaib Khalid AL-Takhayneh, Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology, Mu’tah University-Jordan
Name: DR. Anas Saleh Al-Dalaeen , Associate Professor, Department of Counseling and Special Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Mutah University, Jordan
Name: Dr. Abdallah Salem Farhan Almahaireh, Associate Professor, University of Jordan School of Educational Science, Department of Counseling and Special Education
Name: Dr. Mamduh Baniah Lafee Alzaben, Assistant professor, Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Faculty of Arts – Department of Psychology.
The use of medication is one of the issues that scholars talked about during ancient and modern times. Due to the variety and development of the means. It is necessary to shed a light on the stand of Islam on taking medication. It is necessary to shed a light on the views of scholars in this regard. Islam addresses this issue, because it emphasizes the significance of protecting mind, body and psyche. Those three things are amongst the five basic essentials that must be protected and developed under Shariah. The specialists who are specialized in Fiqh provided discretionary views. However, they disagreed in terms of the Hukum of taking medication. There are supporters for each view. Thus, the researchers of the present study present the most important views in this regard. Then, he sheds a light on the main topic with shedding a light on Aqedah and Tawakol (reliance on Allah) with having a valid understanding.
Medication; Islam; Aqedah; Hukum; Tawakol; Roqya; Tawheed; Fiqh.
The Relationship between Leadership Styles and Job Security among Nurses: Reviewe of Literature
Name: Samia Musaad Almutairi
Name: ahani Ali Almarhabi
Name: Sahar Rubayyi Albalawi
Name: Dr. Maram Taher Alghabashi
Name: Dr. Mohammed Alshmemri
Faculty of Nursing, Umm al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
Background: There are major changes taking place in healthcare for nurses, owing to their role, their education, and the respect they have received, which are contributing to their job security. Working in hospitals usually entails extraordinary psychological and emotional stress in which the nursing staffs have numerous relationships with others, particularly the nursing managers. The increase in work-related stressors and job strain can affect nurses’ job security. The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between job security among nurses and leadership styles at King Abdul Aziz Specialist Hospital, Taif City, KSA. Materials and methods: This study employed a quantitative cross-sectional research design. The study was conducted at King Abdul Aziz Specialist Hospital, Taif region, KSA. Subjects: A convenience sampling of 226 nurses was selected according to inclusion criteria for this study. Tools of data collection: Path-Goal, Leadership Styles Questionnaire, and Job Security Questionnaire tools were used to assess job security levels among nurses working at King Abdul Aziz Specialist Hospital, assess the leadership styles among nurses working at King Abdul Aziz Specialist Hospital, and describe the relationship between job security among nurses and leadership styles. Results: The results showed that the majority of participants have a path-goal leadership style as nursing managers. Also, the results of the current study showed that most participants on average had the following job security dimensions and the total job security. The results of the current study showed that there was a significant positive correlation between path-goal leadership styles and job security domains. Conclusion: The study’s findings concluded that there has been a significant relationship between job security and leadership style. Hence, the aim of the study was achieved, and the goal was proved that there is a relation between the two variables, so if the manager uses an effective leadership style, this will improve the nurses’ job security. Recommendation: Based on the current study finding, it can be recommended that hospital managers must advance and assume effective leadership styles to ensure nurses’ job security and diminish their turnover intention through enhancing their job satisfaction. Also, managers should listen to employees’ concerns, increase their participation in change-related decisions, and spend more time clearly explaining the aim of the changes using accurate, unbiased procedures.
Job security – Job insecurity – Leadership – Nursing – Nurse leaders
النوازل المالية المعاصرة: عقود البيع بين البنك والبائع وأحكامها في الفقه الإسلامي
تعد المعاملات المالية أحد أهم المعاملات المعاصرة التي تحتاج إلى تدقيق وتمعن في غوارها، حيث أن العصور الحالية تتميز بتحديث العديد من صور القضايا المالية بما يواكب العصر، وتغير الظروف والتطورات التي أصابت المجتمع الإسلامي، ومن هذه المعاملات صور عقود البيع بين البنك والبائع، حيث هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى التعرف على الأحكام الفقهية لعقود البيع بين البنك والبائع (بيع المرابحة للآمر بالشراء).
قام الباحث باتباع المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، لجمع الأحكام الفقهية الخاصة بالنازلة المالية المراد دراستها. وتقسيم الإطار النظري إلى ثلاث مباحث يدرج تحت كل مبحث عدة عناصر للاستفاضة بكل نقطة تفيد الدراسة.
ذكر أقوال الفقهاء في كل مسألة من مسائل النوازل المالية المعاصرة والخاصة بعقود البيع بين البنك والبائع، عند الإجماع على رأي في أحد المسائل أشير إلى ذلك والإيضاح بشكل مفصل مواضع الخلاف في المسائل وتوضيح الرأي الراجح مع رأي الباحث في المسألة.
وأشارت نتائج الدراسة إلي:
- لا يجوز بيع المرابحة للآمر بالشراء بالوعد الملزم إن كانت العين مملوكة ثم يسعى في تحصيلها، أو بيع ما لا يقدر على تسليمه، ويجوز بيع المرابحة للآمر بالشراء بالوعد الملزم إذا كان البيع لموصوف بالذمة مما يقدر على تسليمه في وقته.
- المواعدة والالتزام بالوفاء بها بالاتفاق بين الطرفين، قبل حوزة المصرف للسلعة، واستقرارها في ملكه، مع ذكر مقدار الربح مسبقا واشتراط أنها إن هلكت فهي من ضمان أحدهما بالتعيين، فهذه حكمها البطلان والتحريم فهي أخية القرض بفائدة.
- المرابحة للآمر بالشراء فهي عقـد ثلاثي الأطراف: المصرف، والعميل الذي سيقوم بشراء السلعة من المصرف، والبائع الذي يبيع السلعة للمصرف.
الإسم : عيده مفلح مدوخ الرشيدي – فنية قبالة
الإسم : منى معجب مقبل العتيبي – فنية معلوماتيه صحيه
الإسم : البندري علي متعب المطيري – أخصائية تمريض
الإسم : امال معجب مقبل العتيبي – فني تمريض
الإسم : مها صايل زبن العتيبي – أخصائية تمريض
الإسم : رشا سالم العنزي – أخصائية تمريض
الإسم : مها عبد العنزي – أخصائية تمريض
الإسم : مها معجب مقبل العتيبي – فنيه تمريض
الإسم : بدور عبيد العنزي – فنية تمريض
الإسم : جميله عشوي العنزي – فنية علاج طبيعي
الإسم : سهى عبدالعزيز المطيري – فنية تمريض
“Developmental Care Practices for Infants and Children”
This study aims to explore the impact of developmental care practices on the health and development of infants and children . Following a comprehensive analysis of data and review of existing literature , the study found that these practices play a crucial role in enhancing child growth across physical , cognitive , and social domains. The results indicate that providing such care in early childhood can mitigate potential risks of developmental delays and future health issues. Consequently , the study recommends the promotion of these practices and the provision of support to families and healthcare professionals to enhance the health and well-being of children .
الإسم : اسماء محمد علي معافا – فنيه تمريض عام
الإسم : عيده مفلح مدوخ الرشيدي-فنية قبالة
الإسم : منى معجب مقبل العتيبي- فنية معلوماتيه صحيه
الإسم : البندري علي متعب المطيري-أخصائية تمريض
الإسم : امال معجب مقبل العتيبي- فني تمريض
الإسم : مها صايل زبن العتيبي – أخصائية تمريض
الإسم : رشا سالم العنزي – أخصائية تمريض
الإسم : مها عبد العنزي – أخصائية تمريض
الإسم : مها معجب مقبل العتيبي –فنيه تمريض
الإسم : بدور عبيد العنزي – فنية تمريض
الإسم : جميله عشوي العنزي – فنية علاج طبيعي
الإسم : سها عبدالعزيز الرحيمي – فنية تمريض
“Developmental Care Practices for Infants and Children”
Abstract : This study aims to explore the impact of developmental care practices on the health and development of infants and children . Following a comprehensive analysis of data and review of existing literature , the study found that these practices play a crucial role in enhancing child growth across physical , cognitive , and social domains . The results indicate that providing such care in early childhood can mitigate potential risks of developmental delays and future health issues . Consequently , the study recommends the promotion of these practices and the provision of support to families and healthcare professionals to enhance the health and well-being of children
Name : Ramlah Hejji Mohammed Albrahim
Name : Hawra Yousef Alkhater
Name : Zahra Abdulhadi Al hmood
Name : Aisha Shrida Alhassan
Name : Fatima Mohammad Alradi
Name : Fatimah Shrida Alhassan
Name : Hameedah Abdullah Alharbi
Name : Maryam Ahmed khalifah Alqanbar
Name : Fatimah yousef alhamood
Job satisfaction in the medical and nursing field and its contributions
Managers in the health care industry are aware that job satisfaction has an effect on the retention of nursing staff. There was a slight increase in the proportion of respondents who were generally satisfied. It may be possible to retain staff members if they have the perception that nursing is a valuable and gratifying profession, as well as if the hospital is financially stable. Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, such as routine, working conditions, remuneration, interaction with supervisors, and organisational support, have the potential to have a negative impact on employee retention. One example of an intrinsic component is promotion. It is recommended that management make use of these findings as a foundation for conducting staff consultations, developing plans, and implementing interventions. It is advised that further research be conducted on various nursing populations.
Name : Huda Taher Almoaibed
Name : Asmaa Adnan Al Ali
Name : Zahra Hussain Aljumiy
Name : Anwar Abdullah Aljaber
Name : Hilalah ali albardweel
Name : Hind Saleh Alhumaid
Name : Mohammad Tawfiq Almubarak
“Nursing Competency, Definition, Structure and Development”
Competency in nursing refers to the fundamental skills needed to carry out one’s duties as a nurse. To lay the groundwork for nursing education, a precise definition of nursing competency is necessary. The ideas behind nurse competency are vital to raising the bar for the profession, but they are far from finalized. As a result, there are still obstacles to overcome when it comes to developing training techniques, defining and organizing nursing competency, and determining the appropriate levels of competency for nursing professionals. The current study surveyed the literature on nursing competency, including its characteristics and definitions, as well as its organization, components, and assessment. In addition, we looked into a variety of training approaches that aim to impart nursing skill.
Name : Mohammed Abdulaziz Alali
Name : Khdijah Abdulaziz Ali Alali
Name : Zainab Eissa Abdrab Alnabi Almajhad
Name : Ebtisam abdulmajeed Eid Almajhad
Name : Nouf Mohammed Alruwaimi
Name : Ahmed Abdrabalameer Alrashid
Name : Raed Naji Hayder Alhayder
Name : Mariam Ali Hussien Alsalman
Name : Banin Yousef Abdulla Alhajji
The effect of IT on healthcare quality and nursing practice
Errors in healthcare are being mitigated by the use of technology. Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) are the technology that this study focuses on. In order to improve patient outcomes, nurses are increasingly turning to clinical decision support systems (CDSS), which were previously used by doctors. Patients report fewer instances of missed care when using electronic nursing care reminders, a form of clinical decision support system. The purpose of technology in nursing is to support, rather than supplant, nurses’ clinical judgement. It is more probable that errors will reduce and quality and safety will improve when technology is combined with superior clinical reasoning (Piscotty Jr et al.,2015) .
Name : Fatimah Abdullah Ali Bubshait
Name : Hashmyah Mohammed Abdullah Alkhazal
Name : Fadheelah Khalil Ibrahim Alnajjar
Name : Khyraat Ahmed Majrshi
Name : Khalid Mohammed Fahad almubayrik
Name : Faisal Mohammed Alzowayed
Name : Abdulaziz Abdullah Mohammed Al Bomozah
“Bioinformatics and Computational Biology”
Bioinformatics and computational biology are interdisciplinary subjects that combine biology, computer science, and mathematics. These fields employ computational tools and techniques to examine, evaluate, and simulate biological data, facilitating a more profound understanding of intricate biological systems. This introduction offers a comprehensive review of bioinformatics and computational biology, emphasizing their importance, fundamental principles, and applications in contemporary biological research (Pevsner, 2015).
The rapid and significant increase in biological data, such as genetic sequences, protein structures, and high-throughput experimental data, has made it necessary to create computer methods to analyze and extract valuable information from these extensive datasets. Bioinformatics and computational biology are essential in unraveling the genetic foundation of diseases, comprehending biological pathways, forecasting protein shapes and activities, and creating innovative therapies. These domains have become essential instruments for biological study, playing a crucial role in the progress of medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, and environmental science (Aluru, 2016).
Name : Marwa Saleh Salem Nursing technician
Name : Amal Yahya Bajwi Nursing technician
Name : Hind Muhammad Hamoud Al-Rashidi Nursing specialist
Name : Noura Khalil Eid Eid Nursing specialist
Name : Muhammad Ahmed Karshmi Nursing technician
Name : Fatima Ahmed Salawi Nursing technician
Improving the quality of health care by developing nurses skills and continuous training
Name : Abdulmohsen Dakhel Dhuha Alhazmi Pharmacist
Name : Radhi Hameed Mamluh Alanazi Pharmacist
Name : Tahani aqeel Alshammeri Pharm.D
Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery
In the area of medication delivery, nanotechnology has become a game-changer, providing hitherto unseen possibilities to improve the efficacy, targeting, and safety of pharmaceutical treatments. This study examines the uses, benefits, difficulties, and potential uses of nanotechnology in drug delivery; it is backed by references from reliable industry sources.
By providing exact control over drug release, distribution, and targeting within the body, the use of nanotechnology in drug delivery has completely transformed the pharmaceutical sector. Nanoparticles, which are usually between one and one hundred nanometers in size, are used to carry therapeutic compounds and have special benefits over traditional drug delivery methods. Drug Delivery Applications of Nanotechnology Offers a Broad Range of Uses for Drug Delivery Better Bioavailability: Drugs that are poorly soluble in water can be made more soluble and bioavailable by using nano-sized drug carriers, which can improve treatment results (Davis, Chen, & Shin, 2008)., Targeted Delivery: By designing functionalized nanoparticles to specifically target particular cells, tissues, or organs, systemic toxicity can be decreased and off-target effects can be minimised (Blanco, Shen, & Ferrari, 2015), Controlled Release: Drug delivery systems based on nanoparticles enable the controlled and sustained release of pharmaceuticals, providing longer-lasting therapeutic effects and fewer dose requirements. Combination therapy: By delivering several medications or therapeutic agents simultaneously within a single carrier, nanotechnology promotes positive interactions between the pharmaceuticals and improves treatment results. Imaging and diagnostics: According to Hua (2013), nanoparticles can act as contrast agents in a variety of imaging modalities, making it easier to identify diseases early on and track how well treatments are working .
Name : Nader Mubarak Aldosari Nursing technician
Name : Tariq jumauan alsaedi Operating room technician
Name : ABDULLAH FAHAD ALBAHLI Anesthesia technician
Name : Tarig Sagger Alotibi Anesthesia technician
Name : Hamad Abdullah hamad Aldosari Nursing technician
Name : Essam Saud Alrhily Physical therapy technician
The role of health education in promoting healthy behaviors and preventing diseases
Health education stands as a cornerstone in the realm of public health, serving as a catalyst for empowering individuals, communities, and societies to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. At its core, health education encompasses a dynamic process of imparting knowledge, fostering skills, and shaping attitudes that promote positive health behaviors and prevent disease. By equipping individuals with the tools and resources needed to navigate complex health challenges, health education plays a pivotal role in enhancing health literacy, promoting healthy lifestyles, and ultimately improving health outcomes on both individual and population levels. Rooted in the fundamental principle that knowledge is a powerful tool for promoting health, health education encompasses a diverse range of strategies aimed at raising awareness, imparting skills, and fostering attitudes conducive to optimal health and well-being. From educating individuals about the importance of regular exercise and nutritious eating to raising awareness about the risks of tobacco use and the benefits of vaccination, health education serves as a cornerstone of public health practice (Przybylska, et al.2014) .
Name : HUSSAIN JAWAD Aljassem
Name : Qassem Abdullah Alhazoom
Name : Muhammad Yousof Al Ahmad
Name : Hawra Abdullah Aldrees
Name : Abdullah Mohammmed Al Sakran
Name : Eman Hejji Albuhaizh
Name : Abdulaziz Ali Alhassan
Name : Maitham Taher Alhabarh
Name : Hashem Abdullah AlMusallam
Name : Mohammed Abdrabalameer Alherz
The Role of Nursing and Internal Medicine in Enhancing Public Health
Significant obstacles still exist, necessitating creative solutions and teamwork, despite advances in healthcare delivery and illness prevention. There is an immediate need for coordinated efforts to address the growing epidemic of chronic diseases, the widening gap in health care access among historically disadvantaged populations, and new risks to global health. In order to tackle these complex concerns, it is crucial to fully grasp how internal medicine and nursing contribute to better public health and how they might work together for the greater good .
Name : Salwa Ali Msawi dahal Speciality / nursing
Employer/Primary health care center in Budaiya and Al-Qarfi
Name : Khadejah Mohammed Abdullah Gamash Speciality / Technician-Nursing
Employer / alshatea Primary care center
Name : Manal hassan abdullah alhariri Speciality / Nursing
Employer/ Primary care center 6 scheme
Name : Amal Abdullah Hamad Khardali Speciality / Healthy Assistant
Employer/Al-Maabouj Primary Health Care Center
Name : Qamar Yahya Issa Shagery Speciality / Technician- Medical secretary
Employer/ Irada and Mental Health Hospital in Jazan
Name : Elham Hassan Ali Hussen Speciality / specialist nursing
Employer/ alshatea Primary care center
Name : Fatimah Hussin Shokan Najmi Speciality / Specialist Nursing
Employer/ Samtah General Hospital
Name : Awatef Omar Ali Ayidh Speciality / Medical secretary
Employer/ Erada Mental Health Hspital in Jazan
Name : Fatimah Yahya Ahmed Meshari Speciality / Technician- Nursing
Employer/North Abu Arish Health Centre
Name : Nouf Agail Bashakur Speciality / Nursing technician
Employer/ Primary care center 6 scheme
Name / Amani Abdulrahman Ahmed Abusharha Speciality / Technician-Nursing
Employer / Jazan Regional Health Command Center
Name : Salihah Hussain Mohammed Zaidan Speciality / Technician-Nursing
Employer / North Abu Arish Health Centre
The Role of Medical Secretarial Nurses in Enhancing Healthcare Documentation
Employer / Mizhera Primary Health Care Center
Name / Wafa Mousa Yahya Ajeebi Speciality / Technician Dental Assistant
Employer / Jazan Regional Health Command Center
Name / Hana Yahya Mohammed Bashi Speciality / Technician Dental Assistant
Employer / King Fahd central hospital
Name / Majidah Yahya Khalil Yahya Speciality / Technician-Operation Rooms
Employer / Sabya general Hospital
Name / Ola Ali Ahmed salem Speciality / Technician – Nursing
Employer / Sabya General Hospital
Name / Amal Ali Hammadi Zayed Speciality / Nursing technician
Employer / Abu Arish North Primary Health Care Center
Name / Manal Abdu Mohammed Zidan Speciality / Technician-Nursing
Employer /Jazan Specialized Dental Centre
Name / Mohammed Ibrahim Ahmad Ajeebi Speciality / Nursing technician
Employer / Al-Gharaa primary health care center in Sabya
Name / Bdor awad rashidiya Speciality / Medical Secretary
Employer / Al Lahn Primary Health Care Center
Name / Asma Bhays Hussain Jarab Speciality / Medical secretary
Name / Amani Mohammed Ahmed Mukhdhari Speciality / Technician-Nursing
Employer /Damad General Hospital
Name / Suzan Nasser Ahmed Mahdi Speciality / Technician-Nursing
Employer / Damad general hospital
“The role of nursing in promoting dentistry”
The term “dental nurse” is ubiquitous in the field of dentistry, but sadly, they don’t have a designated organization of dental nurses. Unfortunately, there are a wide range of individuals working as dental nurses, from unskilled workers to highly trained professionals like registered nurses. The absence of standards and adequate training and certification for dental nurses is to blame for this disparity. When it comes to dental care, the dental nurse plays a crucial role. As members of the dental team, dental nurses assist patients, dentists, and other dental professionals in a range of settings. Dental surgery nurses are responsible for a wide variety of tasks, including but not limited to: keeping the dental clinic or surgery clean and organized, preventing infections and cross-infections, recording information about patients’ dentition, periodontium, and soft tissues, preparing, mixing, and handling various dental materials, supporting clinicians during various dental procedures, keeping complete contemporaneous dental records, preparing patients and equipment for dental radiography, communicating with patients, advising them within their abilities, helping patients and colleagues during medical emergencies, and ensuring patients receive proper oral health care. In this environment, there is a growing demand for dental nurses who are highly skilled, competent, and knowledgeable so they can assist dental clinicians and provide excellent treatment to patients.
Name : Motab Mesfer Alhajri Technician-Radiological Technology
Name : Bander Abdulaziz Alhusaini Technician-Radiological Technology
Name : Mashael Mohammed Gharawi Technician-Radiological Technology
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Improved Diagnostic Precision in Radiology
Radiology is an essential component of contemporary healthcare and has a crucial function in diagnosing and treating disorders in several medical fields. Radiology has come a long way from its beginnings, and its impact on modern medicine has been nothing short of revolutionary. This complex field has changed and evolved throughout the years, from the introduction of X-rays to the incorporation of AI and ML. It is an integral part of the healthcare system and is always adapting to new circumstances.
Diagnostic imaging in healthcare is undergoing a substantial transformation due to the enormous impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This technology, which incorporates advanced algorithms and machine learning, signifies a significant progress in the analysis and application of medical imaging including X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. The relevance of AI in diagnostic imaging extends beyond process automation; it fundamentally revolutionizes the approach to disease detection, enhancing precision and efficiency (Najjar, 2023). Nevertheless, despite the technical progress that has brought radiology into the digital era, the field faces intrinsic obstacles that could hinder its effectiveness.
Name : Ola Abdullah I Saktawi Pharmacy
Name : Ohud Abdullah Saktawi Laboratory Specialist
Pharmaceutical medications and natural therapeutic products for managing diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a prevalent and long-lasting disease that affects children and adolescents in both developed and developing countries worldwide. Diabetes mellitus encompasses two primary types: type I and type II. The former refers to an autoimmune condition that results in malfunction of the pancreatic 𝛽-cells, resulting to insufficient generation of insulin. The latter condition is caused by decreased responsiveness to insulin in the specific tissues (such as skeletal muscle, liver, and adipose tissue), followed by inadequate production of insulin. Both scenarios lead to a consistent increase in blood sugar levels, known as sustained hyperglycemia. Prolonged uncontrolled hyperglycemia results in the progressive deterioration of the blood vessels that provide nourishment to the organs of the body, resulting in damage to the heart, eyes, kidneys, and nervous system. Macrovascular (atherosclerotic) and microvascular (retinopathy and nephropathy) problems are the primary reasons for illness and death in individuals with diabetes. Diabetes is a complex condition that encompasses a group of metabolic problems, rather than being a single disease (Zaid, et al.2016).
Name : Alaa Masrahi Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
Name : Alhussin Abudiyah1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
Name : Walid.M. Shewakh Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
Department of Production Engineering, Beni Suef University, Beni Suef, Egypt
Identifying Vital Determinants of SME Sustainability in Saudi Arabia’s Jazan Region
Abstract :
This research explores and identifies the vital factors that influence small and medium enterprise (SME) sustainability in Saudi Arabia, particularly in the Jazan region. This research provides and reports on the challenges that face SMEs. Using questionnaire data from 130 SMEs in the Jazan region of Saudi Arabia, Various statistical techniques were applied to address the research objectives. Hence, this research provides a correlation matrix that identifies the relationship between various variables. Moreover, this research classifies the causes that impact SMEs’ sustainability. As well, this research measures and analyses the comprehensive framework for SMEs in light of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) dimensions. The literature review illustrates that the BSC consists of four dimensions: financial, customer, operations, and learning growth. This research develops and integrates the Business Intelligence (BI) factor with BSC to examine and find a significant relationship among SME sustainability dimensions. The research findings emphasize the importance of understanding SME sustainability and provide the most challenging challenges that face SMEs in the Jazan region.
Keywords : Balanced Scorecard, Small and Medium Enterprises, Business Intelligence, strategic performance management system
Name : Manahil Ahmed albraheim
Physical therapy department
king abdulaziz hospital al jouf
Effects of Exercise Interventions on Weight, Body Mass Index
The worldwide rise of obesity has serious consequences for people’s well-being and health. Overweight and obesity rates have skyrocketed since 1980, affecting people of all ages and economic backgrounds. Factors in the environment that promote weight gain, along with inactive lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits, are major contributors to the alarming increase in obesity rates. The significance of effective measures for managing weight and preventing complications connected to obesity has been more acknowledged in response to this epidemic.
In the realm of non-pharmacological methods for managing weight, exercise treatments are fundamental. Regular exercise improves metabolic health, increases energy expenditure, and speeds up fat loss. Exercise programs not only help people lose weight, but they also improve their overall health by strengthening their muscles, cardiovascular system, and mental capacity.
Name : Zahra Mahmoud Ali, Somali Nursing technician
Name : Sarah Saad Ghazi Al-Otaibi Specialist Nursing
Name : Nawal Nasser Al-Shishi Technical laboratories
Name : Saleha Muhammad Youssef Hassan Technical laboratories
Name : Wdaha Abdulaziz Al-Sumait lab technician
The Impactful Role of Nurses in Prevention and Control of the Spread of Infections in Hospitals
Healthcare-associated infections, often known as patient infections, are a global issue. Preventing healthcare-associated illnesses is straightforward and necessitates multiple resources. The World Health Organisation embraced the overarching principle of “Clean care is safer care” in its First Global Patient Safety Challenge (Gurol, 2013).
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) pose a significant threat to patient safety and public health, placing a considerable strain on healthcare systems globally. HAIs, or healthcare-associated infections, refer to diseases that occur while receiving medical care in a healthcare institution. These infections can be caused by various bacteria and can appear in different ways, such as surgical site infections, bloodstream infections, and pneumonia (Aljamali et al., 2021).
Hospital-acquired infections can result in functional impairments, emotional strain, a decline in quality of life, and even mortality. Furthermore, factors such as extended hospital stays, job loss, escalating medicine costs, the necessity for isolation, and additional laboratory and diagnostic procedures contribute to the growing economic burden.
Name : Fahad Awadh Almotairy
Name : Amira Nasser Aljaber
Name : Bandar Abdullah alagl
The Role of the Family Physician in Caring Maternal in Pregnancy
A family physician is a general practitioner who sees people of all ages and diagnoses and treats a wide range of medical conditions. These patients are not carefully chosen, and the physician has a heavy burden of duty in caring for them (Starfield, B., et al., 2005).
The clinical practice of family medicine is focused on the needs and preferences of the patient, guided by scientific data, and oriented towards addressing health problems. It is observed that there are complex health policy concerns that seem to be difficult to solve. Family physicians also engage in research across various areas of primary care to enhance the methodology, clinical studies, health services, health systems, and education related to practice and policy (Starfield, B., 2011). Family physicians has the capacity to effortlessly engage in good communication with patients due to the long-standing trustworthy relationships they develop. Additionally, they establish connections with both families and social service workers to ensure the provision of efficient patient care (Levinson, W., et al., 2010).
Name : Mohammed Ali Alfaraj
Name : Hussain Ali Alsultan
Name : Adnan Hejji Alkhamais
Name : Abdullah Ali AlSanawi
Name : Fatmah ahmed alali
Name : Muslim aqeel alali
Name : Fatma Abdullah Alhejji
Community Health Nursing
Community health nursing is a distinct area of nursing that concentrates on enhancing the health and welfare of populations in communities. This essay examines the function of community health nursing in advancing health, averting illness, and tackling health inequalities, substantiated by pertinent references from reliable authorities in the field. Community health nursing is a vital and ever-changing part of healthcare systems globally. It focuses on taking proactive measures to improve the health of individuals, families, and communities. Community health nursing expands beyond the boundaries of clinical settings to provide care in the community. It focuses on promoting health, preventing diseases, and implementing interventions that benefit the entire population. This essay explores the diverse and complex function of community health nursing, emphasizing its importance in attaining the best possible health results and tackling public health issues (Stanhope, 2020).
Name: mohammad saad altoref
Name: Abdullah Hesham Alnaim
Name: Yazeed Abdulrahman Aljohani
Name: Murtadha saleh aleid
Name: Hassan adam almoemn
Name: Jawad Ali Aldrees
Name: Murtadha ahmed alhamdan
Name: Alaa Hussain Alhajri
Name: Zainab Ali Alkhamis
Name: Zahra Mohammed Alali
The role of nursing in treating hypoglycemia in the hospital
Introduction: there is an emergency standing order (ESO) in place for the presentation of hypoglycemia in the clinical setting. According to the policy paper, when patients present with urgent care, the ESO’s job is to direct registered nurses (RNs) to execute specific steps; delaying treatment could put the patient’s health in even greater jeopardy (Ascension St. Vincent’s, 2020). This order set is only available to adult patients. Following treatment, the registered nurse (RN) is required to alert the healthcare provider as soon as feasible. The RN will also need to obtain instructions to support the actions from the protocols while carrying out the directives from the emergency standing procedure (Ascension St. Vincent’s, 2020). Appendix A contains the whole ESO for hypoglycemia.
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