الإصدار التاسع
الإصدار التاسع من المجلة العلمية لنشر البحوث
تم نشر الإصدار التاسع من المجلة العمية لنشر البحوث في: 1-10-2022م. يحتوي الإصدار على بعض الأبحاث في مختلف التخصصات، كما أن الإصدار قد تناول العديد من المشاكل البحثية المهمه التي تشكل أهمية وفائدة كبيرة للمجتمع العلمي والمعرفي. جميع الأبحاث متاحة للتحميل والتعقيب والاستشهاد المرجعي لكافة الباحثين والأكاديميين.
الأبحاث والأوراق العلمية:
جاءت هذه الدراسة تحت عنوان (أثار جائحة كُورُونًا على الاعتكاف والحج) ولتعلق هذا الموضوع بجائحة مسّتجدة تمد من النُوازل الجديدة التي يترتب عليها آثار وأحكام فقهيّة؛ فإنّنِي قد تناولت أهم المسائل المستجدة والمتعلقة بالاعتكاف والحج والتي أَثّر فيها انتشار فيروس كُورونًا.
وقد تضمن ذلك جملة من المسائل: أحكام اتّخاذ الإجراءات الاحترازية وعلاقتها بحقيقة إثبات العَدوَى والأخن بالأسباب. وأثر جائحة كُورُونًا ب قرار إيقاف أداء شعائر الحج والعَمَرَة.
وبيان حقيقة فيروس كُورُونًا، وهل يعتبر طاعونًا؟ وبيان حكم أداء فريضة الحج مع وجود الوباء وانتشاره، وبيان الحكم الشّرعي لقرار إلغاء الحج بسبب انتشار فيروس كُورُونًا، وتاريخ منع الحجٌ خلال العصور السابقة.
ثم تطرقنا إلى بيان أهم الأحكام التي تتعلق بالعبادات في مثل هذه الحالة من جواز الاعتكاف أو تحريمه، إلى جانب جواز أداء شعائر فريضة الحج من عدمها.
The role of bioactive compounds and nutrients in mitigating COVID-19 risks, lessons for future pandemics.
Name: Dr. Ghada Saleh Al Bandak
Email: g.bandak@aum.edu.jo
Name: Dr. Jamal M. Shamieh
The studies and findings about the effect of bioactive compounds in food against Coronavirus were used as lessons for the future pandemics which can be implemented in order to enhance development of functional foods that supports people’s immunity and general health of humanity.
The researcher used an evidence based qualitative approach with two different tracks: Analysis of the existing literature on bioactive compounds used and studied by other authors as an approach in coronavirus treatment. Second track scanned the effect of intake of bioactive compounds on severity and duration of the disease.
Keywords: COVID-19 functional foods, bioavailability, cytokine storm, immunity system, functional foods.
“The importance of the Dementia care workforce in addressing the needs of people with AlZheimer’s Disease and related dementias (AD/ ADRD)”
Name: Alia Motair Allihyani
Profession: Internal medical consultant
Email: rosros123.rr@icloud.com
Name: Mohammed Owaid Baidi Al Mutayri
Profession: Social worker
Email: mohd_2012_12@hotmail.com
Name: Hassan Hussain Alsharef
Profession: Social worker
Email: hasana1395@gmail.com
Profession: Social worker
Email: smalluhaibi2020@gmail.com
Name: mashael musaad albarakati
Profession: Social worker
Email: mmalbarakati@moh.gov.sa
Name: Zuhoor Hasan Bashmikh
Profession: Social worker
Email: zohoorhasan1001@gmail.com
this study aims to specifying the role of workforce in addressing the needs of people with AlZheimer’s Disease and related dementias (AD/ ADRD and in managing behavioral symptoms; reducing injuries, emergency hospital visits Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and a neurodegenerative illness that can affect the brain. Dementia is characterized by a decline in memory, language, problem-solving, and other cognitive skills, which affects a person’s capacity to carry out day-to-day activities. This reduction in cognitive abilities can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. This deterioration is as a result of damaged or destroyed nerve cells (neurons) in areas of the brain that are responsible for cognitive function. a descriptive and analytic technique has been adopted since it is the most suitable method for this sort of research. This study will have depended on the quantitative approach that mainly defines the form of information that will be collected. The results of this study showed that Adults suffering with Alzheimer’s disease provide a unique set of challenges for caregivers, necessitating a huge labour force that is also highly skilled. The current workforce in the health care industry does not have a sufficient number of professionals or direct care providers who are able to meet the requirements of this population’s care requirements.
Keywords: Dementia care – Workforce – AlZheimer’s Disease – behavioral symptoms
استخدام التدريس عن بعد لمادة الرياضيات للصف الأول الابتدائي
الاسم: Dr. Hamad Al-Halaibi
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن دور استخدام التدريس عن بعد لمادة الرياضيات للصف الأول الابتدائي، استخدمت الدراسة المنهج شبة التجريبي، وتكونت عينة الدراسة من 69 طالب وطالبة، حيث تم تقسيم عينة الدراسة إلى مجموعتين، مجموعة ضابطة تكونت من 34 طالب وطالبة، ومجموعة تجريبية تكونت من 35 طالب وطالبة، إشارات نتائج الدراسة إلى الآتي: توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوي الدلالة (a=0.05) بين متوسط درجات طلبة المجموعة الضابطة والتجريبية طبقا لمتغير طريقة التدريس (التدريس عن بعد، طريقة التدريس التقليدية)، توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوي الدلالة (a=0.05) بين متوسط درجات طلبة المجموعة الضابطة والتجريبية طبقا لاختبار التحصيل (الفهم، التذكر، التطبيق).
الكلمات المفتاحية: التدريس عن بعد
أثر الحوكمه على الصياغة التشريعية فى القانون الإماراتي
الاسم: ابراهيم الهزايمه
الايميل: ibrahimhaza@gmail.com
تعتبر الحوكمة (Governance) من التعريفات الحديثة الطارئة على العالم، فهي عبارة عن الوسائل والمناهج الحديثة التي يمكن اتباعها للحصول علي الجودة والكفاءة العالية المطلوبة في مجالا ما، وهذا وفقا لقواعد ومعايير محددة تساعد في الوصول الي هذه الجودة والكفاءة، والجدير بالذكر ان الحوكمة ساعدت الكثير من الدول سواء في المجال الاقتصادي او الإداري او السياسي، وقامت منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي بتعريفها علي انها: تفعيل القوانين والقواعد والمعايير التي تحـدد العلاقة بين إدارة الشركة من ناحية، وحملة الأسهم وأصحاب المصالح أو الأطراف المرتبطة بالشركة وحث المؤسسـات الماليـة بتبني تلك القوانين والمعايير في أنظمتها لضمان الحصول على تصنيف عالمي، تلك القوانين والمعايير تسمى بحوكمة الشركات. وعلى الرغم مما تقدمه الحوكمة لهذه الشركات والهيئات من تقدم وتحقيق الأهداف المرجوة واستمرارية في النجاح، الا انها لا يمكن تطبيقها الا من خلال قيام الجهة المعنية بتشريع القوانين بصياغة قوانين تتخذ الحوكمة كأسلوب لها من خلال تنظيم استراتيجيات واليات للوصول للأهداف المرجوة من تطبيق الحوكمة، وتعتبر دولة الامارات من أوائل الدول التي تأثرت قوانينها بالحوكمة، خصوصا القوانين الخاصة بالشركات. لذلك تهدف هذه الدراسة الى التعرف على تطبيق الحوكمة في القوانين الإمارتية وأثر هذا التطبيق على صياغة التشريعات في دولة الامارات العربية المتحدة.
الكلمات المفتاحية: الحوكمة، حوكمة الشركات، آثر الحوكمة، القانون الاماراتي، حوكمة القانون.
Diabetes mellitus Gastrointestinal Complications
Name: Mohammad Abdullah Alubaidan
Email: alubaidanm@gmail.com
Name: Mansour Abdullah Mohamed
Email: m.mohamedabd99@gmail.com
Diabetes mellitus has already reached epidemic proportions in both industrialized and developing countries, affecting about 366 million people globally. Because of an ageing global population, urbanization, rising obesity rates, and sedentary lifestyles, this number is expjected to rise in the future years. Diabetes affects nearly every organ system in the body, and the severity and duration of the disease may have a direct impact on organ involvement. Though gastrointestinal (GI) issues are common in people with long-term diabetes, doctors are often unaware of them. Early detection and management of GI problems are critical for improving both diabetic care and the affected patient’s quality of life.
The Association between serum uric acid levels and dyslipidemia in patients attending family medicine clinics at King Khalid University Hospital
The last enzymatic byproduct of purine metabolism is uric acid. There is mounting evidence that dyslipidemia is strongly correlated with high serum uric acid (SUA) rates or hyperuricemia.
- To estimate the prevalence of dyslipidemia and hyperuricemia among patients visiting family medicine clinics in KKUH, Riyadh Saudi Arabia.
- To investigate a correlation between dyslipidemia and hyperuricemia levels in patients attending family medicine clinics.
- To compare different variables; age, gender, associated diseases e.g. (HTN,DM, Hypothyroidism…) in relation to uric acid and lipid levels.
Our study is a Cross-sectional descriptive retrospective study to review medical records of patients attending family medicine clinics in a period of one year (January – december 2019) who have hyperuricemia and then study the association between dyslipidemia and hyperuricemia. we are used database of KKUH Clinics, Riyadh Saudi Arabia Targeted both male and female patients of 18 years old and older age groups. Medical records of patients with three visits and more with laboratory results of uric acid and lipids were included in the review. Our exclusion criteria include the participants with incomplete clinical data. The study conducted after the IRB approval and access to patients’ files is approved by KSUMC authority. Statistical analysis performed by SPSS (version 22 IBM, SPSS Inc., NY, USA)
Results: Age and gender have an effect on the connection between SUA levels and dyslipidemia, which is significant.
Conclusion: We concluded that higher SUA levels were strongly associated with dyslipidemia and its components and that this association is influenced by age and gender for the first time.
Keywords: age, dyslipidemia, gender, hyperuricemia, uric acid
Complications of COVID-19 Vaccines on Diabetic Patient in Saudi Arabia
Name: Yasser elmedany
COVID-19 increases the risk of serious infection and mortality in diabetic patients. Considering the limited efficacy of pharmacological treatments currently available, vaccination remains one of the most effective strategies of pandemic control. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the side effects and perceptions of COVID-19 vaccinations among diabetes patients in Saudi Arabia post vaccination. The objectives of this study were evaluated using a quantitative research approach and a cross-sectional study design. The study was conducted on adult’s diabetic patients 18 years and older who had received one or both COVID-19 vaccination doses. The self-reported questionnaire used in this study was adapted from prior studies and frameworks used to assess vaccine adverse effects after vaccination. This study identified the most common side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine in Saudi Arabia, rendering them predictable. As booster doses become available, this information will assist lessen vaccine apprehension.
KeyWords: COVID-19, Vaccines, Diabetes, Saudi Arabia, Patient, Chronic Disease.
Name : RANDA SULAIMAN ALI ALJOHANI Technician Nursing (Nursing )
Name : MOHAMMED HAMDI ALMAHIAWI Epidemiology technician (Public Health)
Name : Safaa Ibrahim Abdullah Alghamdi Technician Nursing (Nursing )
Name : Sultan Muhayl Fuhayt Alanazi Specialist Nursing (Nursing)
Name : Nawaf khuzayyim Mutlaq Alanazi Nursing and Midwifery (Nursing department)
Name : Abdulaziz Dhaifallah Shuayl Alanazi Specialist Nursing (Nursing)
Name : Thamer Hamoud J Alanazi Laboratory (Technician)
Health Administration Name : Abdalmajeed Daham Q Alrfedy
Health Administration Name : Abdulrahman Mushrif A Alenezi
“Kidney Disease and Diabetic Patients”
Diabetes mellitus has become an epidemic on a global scale. One major cause of this is the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetic mellitus (T2DM). As of 2021, 537 million individuals , or 11% of the global population , were diabetic. A projected 783 million , or 12% of the total population, will fall into that category by the year 2045. The obesity pandemic , which is driven by increased consumption of processed foods , decreased physical activity , and prolonged sitting , is directly responsible for the increasing number of individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes . With the rise of urban centres and advanced technologies, the so-called “Western lifestyle” is associated . Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) refers to patients who have diabetes and have chronic renal disease . As a result of diabetes , it is one of the major complications that might develop over time . In the long run, DKD will affect 20–50% of patients with T2DM . Around the world, DKD accounts for half of all cases of chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney disease . Also , DKD reduces quality of life and is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality . Get up-to-date details on DKD’s prevalence , causes, and diagnostic criteria from this study
. KEYWORDS : chronic kidney disease ; diabetes mellitus ; epidemiology ; end-stage kidney disease
إعداد : عبدالله مستور مبارك المحيمدي اخصائي ادارة خدمات صحية
أثر فعالية البرامج التدريبية في تحسين كفاءة العاملين وإنتاجيتهم
” دراسة حالة في مدينة الملك سلمان الطبية بالمدينة المنورة”
الملخص :
هدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على مستوي البرامج التدريبية بالوحدات الطبية في مدينة الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز الطبية وقياس مستوي كفاءة العاملين وانتاجيتهم بالوحدات الطبية في مدينة الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز الطبية. وتوضيح أهمية استخدام البرامج التدريبية مع العاملين في مدينة الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز الطبية، وكان ذلك من خلال الاعتماد على المنهج الوصفي حيث اعتمدت الدراسة في جمع البيانات على أداء الاستبيان حيث يتم توزيعها على عينه عشوائية طبقية للعاملين في المستشفيات الثلاث بمدينة الملك سلمان بالمدينة المنورة كان عددهم 100 من العاملين، وتم استخدام برنامج التحليل الاحصائي spss في تحليل البيانات وتوصلت الدراسة . إلى وجود علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين للبرامج التدريبية في تحسين كفاءة العاملين وانتاجيتهم في المستشفيات الثلاث بمدينة الملك سلمان بالمدينة المنورة ، وتوجد علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين عدد الدورات التدريبية ، التي تم الحصول عليها بمدينة الملك سلمان الطبية وبين كفاءة العاملين وانتاجيتهم .
الكلمات الافتتاحية : التدريب ، فاعلية التدريب ، أداء العاملين ، كفاءة العاملين .
“Methods for Ensuring Quality and Protecting Patients: A Comparative Longitudinal Analysis”
The Objective of this study : to determine whether the interventions had the desired impact on healthcare organizations’ safety culture and quality assurance practices . Setting : Workplace health insurance for medical emergencies
Methods: The study tracked how several Quality Assurance metrics relate to Safety Culture throughout time . Longitudinal observational research was described . Participating centres ranged in size from 52 (small) with fewer than eight people to 707 (large) with eight or more employees and 91 (centres with quality managers) . The data was collected in the years 2015 and 2016
Results : 595 healthcare personnel participated in 2015 , whereas 491 participated in 2016 . Both Quality Assurance and Safety Culture shown significant improvement (T-test = 3.5, p = 0.001 and T-test = 5.6, p < 0.0001 , respectively) . This resulted in a 5.5% improvement in the quality culture compared to a 2.1% improvement in the safety culture
Conclusions: There was congruence between the evaluations of the quality assurance objectives and the safety mentality. This is why it seemed like the Safety Culture scores didn’t change over time
. KEYWORDS : quality assurance ; patient safety ; healthcare organization
Name : Azmi Eid Alsubhi
Name : Reham Ahmed Alemam
Name : Khaled Ali Babalgeth
Name : Shatha Mohammed Rmbo
Name : Hifaa Abdullah Alotaibi
Name : Bayan Ahmed Bakhsh
Name : Mohammed Mostafa Emam
Name : Abdulaziz Abdullah Alhazmi
Name : Mohammed Abdullah Allehyani
Name : Naif Otaiwy Allehyani
Role of pharmacists in providing nutritional support team (NST) in makkah hospitals
Total parenteral nutrition TPN preparation is an essential component of patient care in the clinical setting . Clinical pharmacists have a crucial role in the management of specialized nutritional support program and in the improvement of quality . However , the importance of their role in hospitals . Our aim is to investigate the role of clinical pharmacists in TPN preparation in Makkah hospitals, in addition to their involvement in nutritional support team at hospitals. Data were collected from seven hospitals in Makkah. Only pharmacists implicated in the TPN process have been eligible to fulfill the questioner . Descriptive statistics have been used to describe the clinical site, pharmacists and TPN process characteristics . All questioner papers have been signed from the concerned pharmacist and stamped from the hospital . Our preliminary results showed that the number of TPN pharmacists is limited in each hospital . Their role is to perform technical tasks mainly with a minimal role in patient education process. Most of TPN pharmacists have received a training sessions to be well-prepared for working in this field. A large number of pharmacists reclaims that other health care providers don’t help them providing direct patient care. Some of TPN pharmacists play an important role in monitoring the TPN administration process while others have not been implicated in this task. All of them would recommend the presence of nutritional support team (NST) in their hospitals although NST is not established in all hospitals included in this study . Our results have been compared to results from clinical studies done in other countries , Nevertheless , an emerging role for clinical pharmacists has been noticed through skills enhancement and removing barriers to pharmaceutical care practice .
الإسم : محمد سفر مقبل / مساعد طبيب اسنان
الإسم : ياسر رفييد ال مناع / فني مختبر
الإسم : احمد زايد الغامدي / طبيب اسنان
الإسم : عبد المجيد عبد الله الشهراني / اخصائي وبائيات
The degree to which nursing care meets the needs of patients
This study delves into the complex dynamics of nursing care delivery and how it affects the satisfaction of patients with varying requirements. It acknowledges the nursing profession’s key role in healthcare delivery, which includes not just technical competence but also compassionate communication and psychological support. Nursing care quality and patient satisfaction may be improved through patient-centered care models , organizational support structures, and ongoing quality improvement activities. This is demonstrated through a thorough literature analysis that the study employs . In order to properly attend to patients’ psychological, social , and physiological requirements , the results highlight the importance of emphasizing holistic and patient-centered care settings. Improved health outcomes and patient satisfaction can be achieved by healthcare organizations delivering more comprehensive and patient-centered nursing care through the use of evidence-based interventions and the promotion of collaborative partnerships between patients and healthcare providers .
Name : Abdulaziz Mohammed Alfehri
Name : Amal Khalaf Hawas Alanai
Name :Tahini Ali Alqahtani
Name : Bader Sanad Alharbi
Glance at the recent biomarkers in Genitourinary cancers
: Introduction
In recent years, the management of genitourinary cancers has changed substantially . Renal cell carcinoma , bladder urothelial carcinoma , and prostate adenocarcinoma are the most frequent genitourinary malignancies , and they represent a diverse group of cancers in terms of histology and therapeutic options . Due to a better understanding of their underlying molecular mechanisms and oncogenic drivers , all three malignancies have undergone paradigm shifts in their distinct treatment landscapes . Immunotherapies , particularly immune checkpoint inhibitors , are a new advancement that has acquired a lot of traction . Men’s malignancies of the genitourinary system (GUS) are among the most common. Cancers of the prostate , bladder , and kidney are the first , fourth , and sixth most common cancers, respectively . Several recent genetic and molecular studies have provided new information concerning oncogenes and the growth of GU malignancies , such as bladder , prostate , and kidney cancers . These in-depth research have led to the discovery of new molecular categories based on genomic expression profiles , as well as potential diagnostic and therapeutic molecular targets
Name : Abdulrahman Hassan Aidrous Otayn
Master Degree in Healthcare Management
The main purpose of this research is to discuss how employee’s motivation process can affect and increase the level of quality provided by hospitals to patients in government hospital in Saudi Arabia, Nurse performance depends on individual and hierarchical factors. Character, abilities, job history, age, orientation, and inspiration are individual factors. Hierarchical construction, work plan, oversight, and control are health care management variables. One authoritative manufacturing plant is how executives plan a patient administration technique, which is a nursing task strategy. Long-term workers are better at business management. Medical nurses’ experience and length of service negatively impact nursing care. Medical caregivers’ understanding of consideration, direct contact with patient suffering, exhaustion, heavy working conditions, and increased use of technology can cause fatigue, especially if they relate to social obligation. Group task techniques let medical staff collaborate on tasks. Collaboration allows nurses to share information and participate in ongoing administrations, which can improve their knowledge and skills .
Name : Ayedh Mohammed M Alaklobi (Dental hygienist specialist)
Name : Ibrahim Saud M Aloufi (Specialist-Sociology)
Name : Aljawharah Mamdouh Alkhameshis (senior nursing specialist)
Name : NAIF BADI O ALOSAIMI (Dental technology specialist)
Name : Faisal Mojep ALOtaibi (Staff Nurse)
Name : Muqrin Mohammed Alqarni (Nursing specialist)
The effectiveness of fluoride varnish and fissure sealant in decreasing caries risk: A systematic review
Name : Ali bin Hamad bin Ali Al-Hubaishi
Name : Salem bin Hamad bin Ali Al Hubaishi
Name : Hani bin Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Qahtani
Resilience and Well-being Among Nurses: Strategies for Support and Self-care
This research explores the strategies implemented by healthcare organizations to support nurses’ well-being in the face of the challenges they encounter in their work environment. Recognizing the importance of promoting resilience and self-care among nursing staff, initiatives such as stress management programs, mental health resources, peer support groups, wellness activities, work-life balance initiatives, and training and education opportunities have been introduced. By equipping nurses with the tools and resources they need to prioritize their well-being, healthcare organizations aim to create a supportive work environment that fosters resilience, job satisfaction, and high-quality patient care. This research highlights the significance of supporting nurses’ well-being and emphasizes the positive impact these strategies can have on both nurses and the quality of care they provide .
Name : Meshari Sulayyih Alotaibi Pharmacy Technician at King Faisal Hospital in Makkah
Name : SAMI SAEED AL GHAMDI Pharmacy technician at Maternity and Children Hospital in Mecca
Name : Tahani mohammed bamalek pharmacy technician at Maternity and Children Hospital in Mecca
Name : Abdullah saad aljohani pharmacy technician at Maternity and Children Hospital in Makkah
Name : Othman Hamad Alshareef Pharmacy technician at King Abdullah Medical Center In Jeddah
Name : Faisal Shaddad AlHarbi pharmacist at Maternity and children hospital in Makkah
Name : Salhah Mohammed Alqarni pharmacist at Maternity and children hospital in Makkah
Name : Khloud Gobran Edriss pharmacist at Maternity and children hospital in Makkah
Name : Roaa Saleh Alharbi pharmacist at Maternity and children hospital in Makkah
Name : EBTEHAL Awadh ALSOFYANI pharmacist at Maternity and children hospital in Makkah
Name : Rana Faiq Beyari pharmacist at Maternity and children hospital in Makkah
Assessing the relationship between pharmacy quality and healthcare
Pharmacy health services include the care that the pharmacist gives to patients, with a main focus on ensuring the safety, effectiveness, and health outcomes of their medications. An action or set of actions undertaken in or organized by a pharmacy, delivered by a pharmacist or other health practitioner, who applies their specialized health knowledge personally or via an intermediary, with a patient/client, population, or another health professional, to optimize the process of care with the aim to improve health outcomes and the value of health care, is defined as an example of a pharmacy health service. According to Joanna, Daniel, Fernando, and Shalom (2013). There is no universally accepted definition of pharmacy health services in the literature that addresses the full range of health care activities, services, and programs offered by pharmacists. Various terms and definitions have been used to classify these services, but they all center on the services provided by pharmacists specifically.
د . سامية مصطفي سليمان أحمد
البريد الإلكتروني : drsamiamostafa2022@gmail.com
دور العمل التطوعي في تعزيز المواطنة الصالحة
تتناول هذه الورقة مناقشة مجالات العمل التطوعي وذلك على مستوى الأفراد من الشباب مما يكسبها أهمية لان الشباب هم المحرك الرئيس لصنع التغيير، والطاقات الشبابية هي وقود التقدم للمجتمع، وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى وضع الاليات المناسبة والقابلة للتطبيق والتي تؤدي إلى تحسين مخرجات المواطنة الصالحة وذلك من خلال اكساب الافراد من الشباب الخبرات اللازمة لإدارة العمل التطوعي وتوعيتهم بأهميته وتسليط الضوء على أهم المحفزات والمعوقات التي تعترض طريق العمل التطوعي الممكن إقامته داخل أروقة البلاد من أجل تعزيز المواطنة الصالحة كما تعودهم على التعاون والإيجابية مع الزملاء في فريق العمل وتقديم الاقتراحات اللازمة لتطوير آلية العمل وتلزمهم بسرية العمل والسياسات والتشريعات والمعلومات التي يحصل عليها المتطوع من خلال تطوعه نظرا للأهمية التي يحتلها العمل التطوعي من حيث التأطير وتعبئة إمكانيات الأفراد من الشباب، ولكون هذه الفئة تشكل دعامة أساسية للدفع بالعجلــة التنمويــة إلى الأمام عـلى غرار الدول المتحضرة، يتوجب الاهتـمام بهذه الشريحـة وتشجيعهـا ماديا ومعنويا وقانونيا من أجل ضمان مشاركة فعالـة لهم وإعطاءهــم فرصــة لتفعيل قدراتهم المعرفية.
Name : Ali Mohammed AL Lohiedan Specialist Nursing
Name : Rami Surur Alharbi Technician public Health
Mental Health Nursing
Mental health nursing is a specialist branch of healthcare that focuses on developing and preserving the overall well-being of patients who are facing mental health difficulties. Mental health nurses have a primary role in helping individuals in their recovery path, providing compassionate care, and advocating for their rights within the healthcare system, with a specific focus on holistic care. This introduction will present a comprehensive examination of the significance of mental health nursing, the difficulties encountered by mental health nurses, and the changing environment of mental healthcare.
Mental health nursing plays a crucial role in addressing the intricate requirements of patients with mental health disorders, who frequently encounter stigma, prejudice, and obstacles while trying to get healthcare. Mental health nurses offer a variety of services, such as evaluating, diagnosing, planning treatment, managing medication, and providing therapeutic interventions. These services are designed to improve mental health outcomes and enhance the overall quality of life (Barker, 2018). With their proficiency in psychosocial therapies, counseling, and crisis intervention, they are able to assist individuals in effectively controlling symptoms, developing resilience, and attaining their recovery objectives.
Name : Hussain Abdrabalameer Alherz
Name : Ahmed Husain Alhodar
Name : Mohammed Abdulaziz Alodil
Name : Siraj Jaber Aljaafar
Name : Ali Abdulkareem Alhaddad
Recent developments in the field of anesthesia techniques
Anesthesia, an essential medical procedure used to induce unconsciousness and alleviate pain during various medical interventions, has significantly evolved over time. Anesthesiologists employ diverse techniques for administering anesthetics, ranging from intravenous to regional and local routes. Before the advent of safe anesthetics, surgical procedures were hazardous and seldom performed due to the lack of effective pain management. However, modern medicine’s progress in anesthesia has enabled complex surgeries, such as open-heart procedures and organ transplants, to become routine. Despite the benefits, anesthesia administration carries inherent risks, including respiratory complications and allergic reactions. Nevertheless, anesthesia remains indispensable in modern medicine, facilitating intricate surgeries and improving patient outcomes. Recent advancements in anesthesia technology, such as ultrasound-guided techniques, total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA), and closed-loop systems, have further enhanced safety and efficacy in anesthesia administration .
Employer/ Jazan Health Center, Central Sector, Maabouj Health Center
Name : Zahra Hashem Yahya Muqri Speciality / General practioner
Employer /almaaboj Primary Health Care In Jazan
Name : Somaiah Yehia Qassem Moaafa Speciality / Technician-Nursin
Employer/ Primary health care center in Budaiya and Al-Qarfi
Name : Abeer Mosa Moh Haltani Speciality / Technician-Nursing
Employer/ Primary health care centre in Badi and Al-Qarfi
Name : Asma Ahmed Shrahli Speciality / nursing technician
Employer /Abu Arish North Health Care Center
Name : Fatimah Hamad Ahmad Essa Speciality / Technician -Nursing
Employer/ Abu Arish North Health Care Center
Name : Hanan Hamed Taha Albar Speciality / Technician Nursing
Employer /community Participation Administration in Jazan Health
Name : Zakaria Ibrahim Al Ibrahim Speciality / Technician – Nursingn
Employer/ Almabooj Healthcare Center
Name : Nahel Ahmad Garhady Speciality / Nursing technician
Employer/ Gharib Primary Care Center
Name : Aisha Mohammad Hussin Dahal Speciality / Nursing
Employer/ Primary care center in Maabouj
Name : Amal Ahmed Mohammed Aabuhashim Speciality / nursing
Employer/Primary health care in Abu Arish Al-Shamali
Name : Nalah Ebrahim Hussein Mogri Speciality / Nursing and Midwifery
Employer/ Six-plan primary care center
The Efficacy of Nursing Interventions in Promoting Pain Management Among Pediatric Patients
One of the most frequent reasons individuals consult physicians or other members of the health team is for pain, which is also a major symptom of many clinical conditions. Pain diminishes the quality of life in children; therefore, preventative measures against pain must be implemented in every area. In spite of advancements in pain management techniques over the last four decades, pain continues to be a worldwide concern among patients who are hospitalized. 86% of hospitalized children experienced pain, with nearly 40% suffering from moderate-to-severe pain (Stevens & Zempsky, 2021).
Experiencing pain is a significant cause of discomfort for both children who are in the hospital, their family caregivers, and the healthcare professionals who take care of them. Children may experience pain due to physical trauma, illness progression, invasive medical procedures, or unidentified causes. The impact of unaddressed or inadequately controlled pain in children should not be underestimated (Achaliwie, 2021). In addition to the immediate bio-psycho-socio-developmental impacts on the child experiencing pain, it can also result in changes in
Name : Maryam Mubarak Albarrak
Name : Jawad Mohammed alabdullridha
Name : Hassan Abbas Almakki
Name : Mustafa Najeeb Almakki
Name : Ibrahim Essa BuSaji
Name : Abdulhadi Nazar Alhaji
Name : Abdul Rahim Jassim AlHassar
The Impact of Medical Robots in Improving the Efficiency of Health
In recent times, healthcare systems globally have encountered the challenge of increasing expenditures while striving to enhance outcomes, both in terms of clinical and economic performance, as well as the overall health of the population (Topol, 2019). Concomitant with these obstacles are a variety of technologies that offer the potential for an enhanced public sector through digital services that aid patients, enhance the system’s cost-effectiveness, and optimize working conditions for healthcare and social care practitioners. Significant progress in the adoption and proliferation of automation, fueled by technological advances in computation, sensing, networking, and communications, has propelled this process. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), currently regarded as the most significant general-purpose technologies, have expanded the domains of automation to include knowledge, care work, and service operations, in addition to mechanized labor and industrial robotics (Vallès-Peris & Domènech, 2020).
As the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and human-robot collaboration (HRC) converge, more and more robots are finding their way into healthcare settings like hospitals (Heerink et al., 2016). Natural language processing, social interaction, abstract problem-solving, perceptual recognition, and other once human-only tasks may soon be within the realm of possibilities, thanks to developments in ML.
Name : Ohud Khalid Ahmad Tirad Pharmacy Technician in Central Sector Management
Name : Rafat Fahad Mohammed Hawbani Pharmacy Technician in King Fahad Central Hospital in Jazan
Name : Awatif Mudhaya Mahbub Nursing and Midwifery in Jazan Regional Health Command Center
Name : Laila Ahmed Mohammed Alozayr Nursing and Midwifery in Gharib Primary Health Care Center
Name : Dr. Somaya Ebrahim Mansour Aljediba Training Resident- Postgraduate program of family Medicine in Jazan Program in Jazan
Name : Khadijah Essa Mohammad Ageeli Nursing- Technician in Primary health care center in Al Shati
Name : Hanan yousef kuriri Nursing- Technician in Primary health care center in Maabouj
Name : Ali Ahmed Garhadi Nursing specialist in King Fahad central hospital
Name : Samsiyyah Abdallah Mousa JALAL Nursing- Technician in Primary health care Center in Al jabal
Name : Dr. Bayan Ahmed Wafi Senior registrar family medicine in Jazan Regional Health Command Center
Name : Salhah Ali Ibrahim Saddeg Nursing- Technician in Primary Health Care Center in Al-Baydh
Name : Mariam Hussain Mohammed Alsalem Nursing- Technician in King Fahad central hospital
Enhancing Patient Care through Multidisciplinary Approaches: Insights from Pharmacy, Family Medicine, General Nursing, and Midwifery Nursing
Multidisciplinary care is a collaborative approach that involves healthcare professionals from various disciplines working together to provide holistic and patient-centered care. This research study explores the role of multidisciplinary approaches in enhancing patient care, focusing on insights from pharmacy, family medicine, general nursing, and midwifery nursing. The study examines the benefits, challenges, and best practices of multidisciplinary care in improving patient outcomes and quality of care. Insights from healthcare professionals in these disciplines provide valuable perspectives on the importance of collaboration, communication, and teamwork in delivering comprehensive and coordinated care to patients. The findings of this research contribute to the existing knowledge on multidisciplinary care and offer recommendations for optimizing patient care through collaborative practice.
Name : Ali Radhi Bunaqah
Name : Reham Mohammed Alhamad
Name : Basmah Abdulaziz Alateeq
Name : Naela Mubarak Alhasawi
Name : Naji Mohammed Alabdurabalreda
Name : Abdulwahed Abbas Alsaleh
Name : Ali Mohammedrajab almoumen
Name : Majed jalal alhajri
Name : Mohammed Abdulwahed Almoumen
Name : Muneer Ahmad Aljamaan
Name : Mohannad Mousa AlAtieah
Name : Maryam Radhi Alradhi
Nurses’ Attitudes and Behaviors Interaction with Patients at Emergency Departments
Nursing is an ever-evolving profession, and one of its defining characteristics is the emphasis on care that nurses place on their patients. According to Watson, the renowned author of Theory of Human Caring, caring is a form of relationship and exchange that is necessary for the provider and receiver of care to enhance and safeguard the patient’s humanity, which in turn impacts the patient’s capacity to recover (Sudarta, I. W., 2015).
Healthcare professionals like nurses play a crucial role in ensuring patients are satisfied with their care. That is why a nurse’s caring actions could be shaped by her attitude towards care. The reason is, it’s easier to exhibit caring behavior and get support from nurses who have a positive reaction to caring, and the opposite is also true. Having a compassionate attitude when providing nursing services is one way for health workers, specifically nurses, to strive for patient happiness
Name : Ali Hassan Ahmad Farsi Jazan Dental Specialized Center
Orthodintics and dentofacial Orthopedics
Name : khalid Ghawi Rashed DahaL aboarish-north primary healthcare center
Radiological Technology
Name : Abdullah Saeed Wasli Abu Arish North Health Care Center
General dentist
Name : Malek abduh mohammed alshafee damad General hospital
special anaesthesia- Technician
Name : Abdu Yahya Bin Yahya Shayani Al-Harth General Hospital
Technician-Anesthesia Technology
Name : Ali Abdu Ali Hommadi Samtah General Hospital
X-Ray technician
Name : Mohammed Nasser Ahmed mashbara Sabya general hospital
Technician-Anesthesia Technology
Name : Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Ejili Sabya general hospital
Technician-Anesthesia Technology
Name : Faisal Mohammed Omar Abusaidah Sabya general hospital
Technician-Anesthesia Technology
Name : Fawziah Mohammed Hussain Sumayli Jazan Regional Health Command Center
Technician Nursing
Name : Shikha Hamad Ahmad Awaji Mesliah Primary Health Care center
Nursing Tecnchion
Name : Mohammed Yahya Hussain Qahtani damad General hospital
The role of anaesthesia and nursing in dental radiology centers
Advancements in imaging technology have greatly simplified the process of diagnosing maxillofacial disorders in the last several years. In recent years, there has been a rise in the use of 3D radiographic diagnostic exams in the field of dentistry and the maxillofacial region. These exams, when analyzed using software that facilitates the viewing of images and various graphic reworking, have many advantages over the traditional method of using multiple radiographs to diagnose and treat pathologies and conditions (Mangano, C., et al., 2018; Alkhayer, A., et al., 2020). Due to its accessibility and prevalence in dental clinics, CBCT has become the most popular and extensively utilized 3D test in general dentistry. From endodontics, where the FoV is very small for individual teeth, to orthodontics, where the FoV is far greater, the ability to change the FoV while preserving a very high picture quality finds its utility in a wide variety of applications
Name : Ahmed Yahya Ahmed Kawshan
Name : Turki Saleh Saeed Alshehri
Name : Qasem Mahmood Mousa Asiri Dental Technology
The Significance of 3D Imaging in Enhancing Oral Health and Diagnostic Accuracy
The objective of diagnostic and treatment planning in dentistry is to determine an appropriate treatment plan by assessing the initial condition of the patient’s anatomy using several imaging sources. Historically, the imaging sources, such as x-rays and pictures, have primarily come from two-dimensional film-based systems. However, in more recent times, they have also been obtained using 2D digital imaging systems (Pauwels, 2020). Dental imaging is utilized for the development of different treatment strategies, tracking the progress of treatment, and assessing the results of treatment.
Technological improvements in modern dentistry have transformed diagnostic and treatment techniques, leading to increased precision and efficiency. 3D imaging is a notable invention that provides dental professionals with exceptional insights into the complex architecture of the mouth cavity. Contrary to standard 2D imaging methods like X-rays, 3D imaging offers a detailed three-dimensional perspective of dental structure. This allows dental professionals to detect issues with exceptional accuracy and plan treatments with precise precision (Maken & Gupta, 2023).